Biobased Materials Lab student Maastricht University

Systems Biology & Biobased Materials @UM

Are you considering enrolling for the master's programmes Systems Biology or Biobased Materials and you want to know what it is like? Since it's temporarily not possible to visit in person or attend an open day, we've tried our best to give you an impression. 

Welcome to our virtual tour!

Let's pretend everything is normal for a moment. What would you do? You would probably talk to students, have a look at our facilities and try to figure out what the lectures are like. You'd check in with our admissions officers and scope out some of the professors. However, everything is not normal right now. We feel the same. That's why we've tried our best to recreate those experiences and give you a virtual impression of what it’s like to study the master’s programmes Msc. Systems Biology and Msc. Biobased Materials.

This virtual tour is suitable for students considering one of the following programmes:

Education at the start of the 2020-2021 academic year

We are busily preparing for on-site education taking into account all COVID-19-related preventive measures, as well as developing online options for students who cannot yet come to Maastricht due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Want to know more? Follow our preparations via our blog pages: MSc Systems Biology and MSc Biobased Materials.

General programme information

Our master's programmes Systems Biology and Biobased Materials aim to prepare you to tackle the world’s challenges of today and tomorrow. Challenges regarding health, the environment and life as a whole. That’s why you'll want to pick up more skills than you can get from lectures alone. We therefore offer a unique curriculum based on project-centred learning, where you immediately apply what you have learned to real-life situations.

Our way of teaching: project-based and research-based learning.
As with many Maastricht University programmes, the master’s in Systems Biology and Biobased Materials are taught using Problem-Based Learning (PBL). You will work in small groups of about 12 students on real-life topics and problems facing researchers. You conduct discussions, exchange knowledge and formulate your learning goals as a group. In addition to PBL, the programme employs Research-Based Learning (RBL). Students formulate their own research questions, make their own discoveries and develop (technical) solutions, rather than solely learning about existing theories, systems and methods. You’ll work on contemporary research topics as part of your studies. In addition, practical skills training is incorporated into the courses.

"Our master programmes Systems Biology and Biobased Materials aim to prepare you to tackle the world’s challenges of today and tomorrow"

Choose your programme

Systems biology - Introduction days 2019

So which programme are you interested in? 


MSc Systems Biology

MSc Biobased Materials

MSc Systems Biology

What is Systems Biology

Courses & curriculum

Systems Biology combines life sciences with mathematics. Because a life scientist may have a limited mathematical background and vice versa a mathematician little knowledge of the life sciences, you’ll focus on creating a common base during the first courses. During the master's programme you will follow compulsory courses and electives and finish it with a master thesis.

For a full list of the courses click here


In order to be able to simulate complex biological systems, you’ll need both knowledge and skills. That’s why the master in Systems Biology lets you put your knowledge to practice on real-world problems at the state of the art facilities of the Maastricht Centre for Systems Biology, MaCSBbio. The center brings together the expertise of physicians, biologists, mathematicians and computer scientists to achieve scientific breakthroughs that could not be achieved in individual labs. Check out the video below to see what it looks like! 

About MaCSBio
Launched in 2015, the Maastricht Centre for Systems Biology (MaCSBio) aims to develop a set of computational and mathematical models, applicable in science and clinic, that will advance our understanding of biological systems, and predict progression and treatment of complex diseases over time. 

Research projects at MaCSBio focus on multi-scale modelling within two complementary research lines tackling areas that are highly relevant for society:

  • Systems Medicine of Chronic Diseases - led by Prof. Ilja Arts
  • Computational Biology of Neural and Genetic Systems - led by Prof. Elia Formisano

You can find more information about the Maastricht Centre for Systems Biology here. 


Every year the MaCSBio Science Day event is hosted for both students and professionals in the field of systems biology. During this special day, MaCSBio presents current and future research as well as lectures given by prominent scientists on the latest developments in their respective areas of systems biology research. The next MaCSBio Science Days will take place from Monday 6 July to Friday 10 July. This year the event celebrates its fifth anniversary and has the theme: Celebrating five years of MaCSBio: Looking back, looking forward”.

Moreover, a series of lectures are organised throughout the year which strives to bring renowned national and international researchers in the field of Systems Biology and Personalized Medicine to Maastricht University. 

What our students say

Rita Sarantidou, 1st year student MSc Systems Biology
"Being a student at UM, I got the chance to collaborate in an international environment not only with students but also professors with multidisciplinary backgrounds. At Systems Biology, we work in small groups of students which allows us to interact with each other more and help each other advance our skills. As a result of such small groups, we have the opportunity to get to know our professors better, who are more than happy to discuss with us any issues, give us informative tips and guide us throughout the academic years."

Maaike Gerritse, 1st year student MSc Systems Biology 
The field of Systems Biology is growing and developing fast. Therefore, during the master Systems Biology you will mostly study by reading papers and discussing them with your classmates, rather than learning from textbooks. In these so-called "Journal Clubs" we can help each other understand the paper better. We all have a different background, ranging from knowledge engineering to pure biology, and therefore we all have a different outlook on the subject at hand. Working together and helping each other out is really a key part of this master's programme! 


See for yourself what it's like to study Systems Biology at Maastricht University! 

Talk to a student

There's no better way of getting to know the programme than talking to a current student. Since face-to-face meetings are not possible at the moment, we offer you the opportunity to plan a Skype call with a student of the programme of your interest.

Hit the green button and we'll happily set you up for a one-hour Skype call with one of the students.

Talk to a student
Plan a Skype call

MSc Biobased Materials

What are Biobased Materials

Courses & curriculum

Systems Biology combines life sciences with mathematics. Because a life scientist may have a limited mathematical background and vice versa a mathematician little knowledge of the life sciences, you’ll focus on creating a common base during the first courses. During the master's programme you will follow compulsory courses and electives and finish it with a master thesis.

For a full list of the courses click here



As a Biobased Materials student you will conduct your studies, research and practical work at one of the most innovative chemical and materials communities in Europe. Namely, at the Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials (AMIBM) located at the Brightlands Chemelot Campus.  It is in this environment you’re able to exchange ideas and benefit from the shared knowledge of companies and academia.

AMIBM offers a unique approach covering the entire biobased materials value chain, including raw materials (feedstock), polymers (materials) and the end products derived from them (applications) and sustainability evaluations over the whole value chain. Applications include biobased materials for medicine, environmental protection and industry applications

The AMIBM conducts research on biobased materials in a so-called value chain approach, spanning new and modified high quality biological sources, new chemical building blocks, new polymer chemistry and polymer physics, polymer processing and innovative technical and medical textile applications. In all these areas, the AMIBM focuses on the sustainability of materials and processes from resource to application and recycling of materials. The focus of research lies on the following fields: 

  • Molecular and applied biotechnology
  • Biobased polymers
  • Polymer physics and technology
  • Polymer engineering
  • Biobased materials for medicine
  • ​Sustainability of materials

You can find more information about the Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials (AMIBM) here.

Biobased Materials

What our students say

Michelle Gian, student MSc Biobased Materials
This program is not as large as other programs, however, this has advantages as you're in small classes and have good contact with your classmates and teachers. Moreover, the Biobased Materials programme gives you the tools to guide you to solve certain problems, for example, plastic pollution which is a hot topic! I'm very excited about this program and I would recommend this program to others!



See for yourself what it's like to study MSc Biobased Materials at Maastricht University! 

A day in the life of a student

Curious what a day in the life of a student in Maastricht looks like? Check out a day in the life of student Brian in the video. 

You can find more information about life in Maastricht here

Talk to a student

There's no better way of getting to know the programme than talking to a current student. Since face-to-face meetings are not possible at the moment, we offer you the opportunity to plan a Skype call with a student of the programme of your interest.

Hit the green button and we'll happily set you up for a one-hour Skype call with one of our students. 

Talk to a student
Plan a Skype call


Have you decided to apply for one of our programmes? Good news: none of them have a numerus fixus, which means you are automatically accepted into the programme if you meet the entry requirements.

Entry requirements MSc Biobased Materials

Entry requirements MSc Systems Biology

Pre-master's programme
If your bachelor's degree does not permit direct entry into our master's programmes, you may be eligible to follow a custom pre-master's programme. After successful completion you will be able to continue with one of our master’s programmes. Whether this is possible depends on the curriculum of your bachelor's degree. Our admissions office is happy to have a look at your options.


Contact the admissions office

Do you need help with your application? Don't hesitate to contact us!

Kim Müller
Admissions Office
MSc Systems Biology:
MSc Biobased Materials:

Special rules and regulations for 2020-2021 applications

We understand that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you may encounter difficulties during the application procedure. We are ready to help if you need us.

*Were you unable to apply before the deadline of June 1? You're still able to apply.  Feel free to contact our admissions office and together we will look at the options. 

FAQ for prospective students and applicants

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Application deadlines 2020-2021*

MSc Systems Biology
MSc Biobased Materials:

• 1 June 2020 for EU/EEA students
• 1 May 2020 for non-EU/EEA students