Coming to the Netherlands from abroad

Relocating to the Netherlands involves several important steps to ensure you're set up properly for your stay, such as registering your address with the municipality, arranging a bank account and health insurance and even getting a job.  

Find out more on the following pages:  

Additional resources

  • Visa / legal residence 
    During your UM application, our Visa Office will guide you through the entire process of getting a visa and/or proving legal residence. 
  • Support for international students 
    We also provide support for international students who are dealing with the complexities of living abroad, such as an International Student Helpdesk, a buddy programme for new international students and support for refugees who are coming to study at UM. See our section on support for international students for more information.  
    You can find additional information on living and studying in Maastricht at, the information portal for international students.