Stadslab Antwerpen Learning Tool Onderzoek


CityLab2050 Antwerp aims to be a frontrunner of the transition program of the City of Antwerp. In order to achieve a system break-through on the urban level, this lab stimulates as a free thinking space a paradigm change towards integrated sustainability.

To this end, the lab stimulates knowledge development and concrete prototypes of innovative ideas and it facilitates a dynamic community of frontrunners in the city.

In the SALTO project, MSI (UM) and HIVA (KU Leuven) support CityLab2050 in Antwerp, in particular the project team, in monitoring and social learning about the impact of a lab. ICIS and HIVA jointly develop a “lab-learning-tool” aiming at the maximization of learning by several actors. The “lab-learning-tool” will come with a user-friendly manual/ route map in order to facilitate the independent use of the tool.