MACCH Education

Teaching in the area of art, culture, conservation and heritage is important to many Maastricht University faculties and cross-faculty cooperation takes place in different forms and at various levels (Bachelor, Master, PhD). Examples include the successful joint Minor of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Law named “Art, Law and Policy Making”. MACCH affiliated researchers contribute to the Master Arts and Heritage: Policy, Management and Education and oversees many courses on both the bachelor's and master's levels encompassing law and art, the art market, art theory, and museum studies.

On a regional level, MACCH affiliated researchers collaborate with Hogeschool Zuyd; I-Arts; Jan van Eyck Academy. (Inter)national partners are for example: University of Amsterdam; Sotheby’s Institute of Art; KU Leuven; University of Hasselt; Maastricht University Campus Brussels.

Joint Minor Art, Law and Policy making

“If I had to begin the project of European integration again, I would start with culture.”

The interfaculty minor ‘Art, Law and Policy Making’ approaches art and cultural production from the perspectives of art history and theory, the economy and sociology of art, the anthropology of art, museum studies, art law, intellectual property law and media law. It features a special emphasis on studying the role of art and culture in institutions such as museums, government, business and the art market. Furthermore, relevant realms of public policy making and regulatory mechanisms are introduced.
This interdisciplinary minor is taught by staff affiliated with the Maastricht Centre for Arts and Culture, Conservation and Heritage (MACCH) and is open to students from all Maastricht University faculties.

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Joint Minor Art, Law and Policy-Making

Bachelor's courses

MACCH affiliated researchers contribute in teaching and expertise to the following bachelor's courses:

Master's education

MACCH contributes education and research expertise to the following master’s programmes: