CAPHRI ResearchTalent Programme

researchtalents CAPHRI

For young, talented and ambitious researchers aiming to establish themselves in academia, acquiring research grants stands as a pivotal goal. The benefits are twofold: it not only facilitates the researchers to further develop their research ideas, skills and CV, but also consolidates their position within the scientific community.

However, this target group encounters limited opportunities for subsidies. A significant number of funding programmes require tenure-track or permanent appointment as prerequisites for eligibility of the principle investigators. Nonetheless, many individual grants are thoughtfully designed for researchers at every phase of their professional trajectory, including those at the early stage of their careers.

A central criterion for securing individual grants is the excellence of the candidate showed in the CV. Through evaluating the CV, funding agencies assess whether a researcher rightfully belongs to the league of exceptional minds and possesses the promise to become a distinguished scholar with a clear vision in their research field.

To promptly inform young talented researchers about different grant opportunities, and to provide them with valuable insights into the composition of a competitive grant application and a compelling CV, the Grants Office FHML/MUMC+ is pleased to present the following events:

Demonstrating different forms of Impact

Applicants need to demonstrate the potential impact of their project by outlining concrete examples of how the outcome of the project will benefit scientific community, and provide social and economic impact.

Target Audience: 3rd-4th Year PhD Candidates and 1st-Year Postdocs FHML/MUMC+

Date: Late March 2024

Duration: 1 hour

Trainers: Business Developers in collaboration with Grant Office Funding Advisors


  • Understand different forms of impact.
  • Recognize the significance of sharing research with different stakeholders and broader audiences.
  • Identify key stakeholders and their interests.
  • Obtain guidance on creating and/or maximizing the impact.


Visual Communications in Grant Applications: Art of Graphic Design

This session provides basic principles on how researchers can effectively use graphic design to create compelling and appealing figures.

Target Audience: 3rd-4th Year PhD Students and 1st-Year Postdocs FHML/MUMC+

Date: Q2 2024

Duration: 1.5 hours

Trainers: External Graphic Designer in collaboration with Grant Office Funding Advisors


  • Insight into how visualization can be used to make complex research concepts accessible.
  • Learn basic principles of graphic design to enhance the quality and accessibility of scientific contents.