Rules of Conduct

Rules of conduct in case of an Accident or Emergency in the Department Anatomy & Embryology

Several members of the department have a certificate as EHBO or BHV personnel (first aid helper or emergency response officer).

In the case of an accident, the following rules of conduct apply:

  • Who is responsible for which kind of accident/emergency?
    • First aid: all EHBO personnel (Muriel Filliers, Jelly Soffers, Els Terwindt).
    • Fire or other dangers (limited extent): all BHV personnel (Muriel Filliers, Jelly Soffers, Els Terwindt, Johan Hekking).
    • Calamities: call 1333, then immediately inform either: Johan Hekking, via internal pager *819676 Els Terwindt via internal pager *819711.
  • What should be done when the evacuation alarm goes off?
    This is a red tube under the ceiling, the slow-whoop, which will emit a slowly increasing and fast decreasing sound to indicate that the building needs to be evacuated immediately. Evacuation has to proceed via the marked escape routes!
  • What are escape routes?

It is not allowed to use the normal stairs and elevator towers; these are reserved for firemen and other emergency personnel!

For our department, the two escape routes are: the stairway at the end of the department hall (stairway to the animal facility and to UNS40) and the metal stairs halfway the crossways to the hospital.