Dr R. Zeiss

Courses taught at Maastricht University over the last years:


Marble/Sirius - Research Based Bachelor Project 'Sustainable Sanitation'


ESST - European Programme on Society, Science and Technology - 1-year MA (www.esst.eu)

  • Coordinator specialisation 'Technological Culture' , 'Bridging the Technology Divide' , 'Vulnerability of Technological Cultures in the global North and South'

Cultuurwetenschappen (Dutch BA)

  • KTC Leeronderzoek/Research lab Cultures of Knowledge and Technology
  • Netwerkmaatschappij
  • Skills training ethnography and interviewing
  • Leeronderzoek - kennis, technologie en cultuur
  • Bachelorscripties

Arts and Culture (English BA)

  • Network Society
  • Skills training 'Close to the foreign' - ethnography and interviewing
  • Research lab- Cultures of Knowledge and Society
  • Research and writing
  • Bachelor theses

European Studies (English BA)

  • Skills training 'Qualitative Interviewing'
  • Paper dossiers

School of Governance (1-year MA Public Policy and Human Development)

  • Risk and Uncertainty


VU University Amsterdam

  • ‘Introduction to Organisation Studies and Public Administration'
  • 'Bachelorproject - ‘how to do research' in the area of leadership, trust, and commitment in organisations


University of York

  • 'Classical Sociological Theory'
  • 'Modern Sociological Theory'
  • 'Transformations in Modern Society'