Bachelor Student Prize Winner | 48th Dies Natalis

Pim Hovens

 Faculty of Health, Medicine & Life Sciences | Bachelor Health Sciences

"Volume Outcome Association for Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Lobectomy – a Meta-Analytical Approach"

Pim's elevator pitch
"This thesis delved into the critical exploration of volume-outcome associations in Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS) lobectomy for primary lung cancer. As healthcare systems globally contemplate centralization, particularly in complex procedures, this study investigated the relationship between surgical annual case volume and early mortality. VATS lobectomy was found to have been an extremely safe procedure with a low mean mortality rate. A potential link between surgical volume and early mortality was identified, showcased by quartile differences. Notably, the research assembled the most extensive dataset for VATS lobectomy to date, ensuring a robust and diverse foundation for comprehensive long-term analysis."

Pim Hovens

Congratulations Pim

In this video Pim is addressed briefly by the immediate supervisor.