Past events

  • 29 Nov
    17:30 - 19:00

    Master Information Market

    During the Master Information Market you have the opportunity to gain more information about several master programmes.

  • 15 Nov
    16:30 - 19:30

    Maastricht Systems Biology Forum

    On Tuesday the 15th of November there will be a meeting organized by the Maastricht Systems Biology Forum. This meeting, organized by the Maastricht Systems Biology Forum, is aimed at researchers from all departments with an interest in systems biology, with several talks on a shared topic and...

  • 31 Oct 21 Apr

    Student-for-a-Day - DKE Master AI

    During a Student-for-a-Day activity you will join one of the first year Bachelor students during a “normal” day at DKE.

  • 31 Oct 21 Apr

    Student-for-a-Day - DKE Master Data Science for Decision Making

    During a Student-for-a-Day activity you will join one of the first year Bachelor students during a “normal” day at DKE.

  • 28 Oct
    10:00 - 18:00

    ITEM Annual Conference 2016

    Presentations availableEurope under pressure: effects for border regions - 25 years after the Maastricht Treaty

  • 19 Oct

    METRO Seminar

    Sandra Nobrega will be giving a Metro seminar on Public Participation in Biofuels Voluntary Certification Schemes Decision-Making

  • 13 Oct 14 Oct
    13:15 - 17:30

    The future of nationality law

    From 13-14 October 2016 Prof. Dr. Gerard-René de Groot will host his farewell seminar on the "Future of nationality law", at the Groote Societeit in Maastricht. On 14th October at 16.00 his valedictory lecture "Towards a toolbox for nationality legislation", will take place at the Sint Janskerk in...

  • 14 Sep

    Metro Seminar

    Giulia Giardi will be giving a Metro seminar on "Organised Waste Trafficking: An integrated analysis of the drivers and responses to a devastating phenomenon".

  • 08 Sep

    Faculty Introduction Master Biomedical Sciences 2016

    The Faculty Introduction is an introduction to studying at our faculty.

    Please note that the Faculty Introduction is compulsory for all students.

  • 07 Sep

    Kick Off Master SBR, Department of Public Law

    Volg jij de master Nederlands Recht met de specialisatie Staats- en Bestuursrecht? Dan ben je op woensdag 7 september 2016 van harte uitgenodigd voor de Master Kick-off! Speciaal voor de Maastrichtse staats- en bestuursrechtjuristen in spe vindt er dit jaar een gezamenlijke introductieactiviteit...