Past events

  • 09 Dec

    Opera Zuid: A Quiet Place by Leonard Bernstein

    Studium Generale | Opera Visit
    A Quiet Place by Leonard Bernstein

  • 08 Dec
    20:00 - 22:00

    What’s up Europe? – Spoken Beat Night

    Maastricht, Working on Eurpope: Wat betekent het om Europeaan te zijn? En hoe is het om op te groeien in Engeland na de Brexit? Wanneer word je gezien als Europeaan en wanneer niet? Tijdens de allereerste Spoken Beat Night in Maastricht, gaan we op zoek naar antwoorden op deze vragen.

  • 08 Dec

    8th IETL LLM Alumni Meeting

    We are pleased to inform you that the Alumni Circle of the International and European Tax Law Master will organise its 8th Annual Alumni Meeting in Maastricht on Saturday, 8 of December. 

  • 08 Dec
    10:00 - 14:00

    Building Conversation

    Maastricht, Working on Europe nodigt kunstenaarscollectief Building Conversation uit in Maastricht om jou uit te dagen een gesprek te beginnen met je Europese medeburgers. Deze sessie gaat over de uitdagingen van Europa.

  • 08 Dec

    Ceremonial awards of the Master Degree

    All master graduates who received the official graduation date 31.05.2018; 30.06.2018; 31.07.2018 or 31.08.2018 are invited to attend one of the six ceremonial awards of their degree(s) on Saturday 1 or 8 December in the Sint Janskerk. After each ceremony an informal gathering will take place in our...

  • 07 Dec
    19:00 - 21:00

    The Trial of Ratko Mladić

    Maastricht, Working on Europe: Filmmakers Rob Miller and Henry Singer shed light on the Bosnian War from two angles, by on the one hand speaking to the public prosecutors and visiting victims and witnesses, and on the other interviewing Mladić’s lawyers, supporters and family members, who consider...

  • 07 Dec

    Inaugural lecture of prof.dr. Mathieu Segers

    Title of the lecture: “European Integration and its Vicissitudes”

  • 07 Dec

    PhD Conferral Mr. drs. Francisco M. Olmos

    “Workplace Learning through Interaction: Using sociocultural theory to study residency training’’

  • 07 Dec

    PhD Conferral Mr. Elton A.M.P. Dudink, MSc.

    “The link between vascular disease and atrial fibrillation”

  • 07 Dec
    14:00 - 16:00

    Kick-off Sustainable Education & Research

    Join us and think along on the next steps of the Sustainable UM 2030 programme!