Fac. Health, Medicine and Life Sciences

Op woensdag 13 juni 2018 vond de allereerste Maastricht UMC+ Wetenschapsdag plaats. Onder de noemer Beter door meer kennis

Kaft thesis

The CaRe Award 2018 has been awarded to Ben Wijnen.

Blastocyst-like structures generated solely from stem cells

Scientists from the MERLN Institute and the Hubrecht Institute (KNAW) have successfully created in the laboratory embryo-like structures


It is important for music academies to focus on the health of its students, according to Vera Baadjou, a PhD candidate at Maastricht Univ

Diabetic heart failure

Two UM publications present evidence for relationship between cardiovascular diseases and cognitive decline (MUMC+ press).

Research heart rhythm failures

A major subsidy from the Netherlands Heart Foundation will enable Prof. dr. Paul Volders and Dr.


Inaugural lecture ofMaryska Janssen-Heijnen as professor of ‘Clinical Epidemiology with a specialisation in Geriatric Oncology'. &nb

Uitnodiging symposium 1

Symposium and inaugural lecture 'Guidelines for Personalised Care: Contradiction or Paradox?’ (inaugural lecture Jako Burgers).

miljoenensubsidie voor bewegen zonder pijn

Maastricht UMC+ is to start an extensive research project on the treatment and prevention of arthrosis (MUMC+ news).