EDLAB Education Innovation Grants: Call for proposals 2024-2025

Are you ready to turn your innovative education idea into reality?

EDLAB invites Maastricht University teaching staff to apply for an EDLAB education innovation grant à € 5,000,-.

Application deadline
The application deadline is Wednesday 13 November 2024, 12:00 CET.
Proposals can be sent to walter.jansen@maastrichtuniversity.nl

PBL Innovation

The grant aims to promote practical innovations within UM’s teaching & learning environment. EDLAB strives for diversification of problem-based learning formats, generating an optimal integration of collaborative, contextual, constructive and self-directed learning (CCCS) experiences.

We hence want to support creative ideas that may lead to innovations within a broad spectrum of themes related to our PBL learning environment, for example focusing on instructional design, teaching delivery, international classroom and new forms of assessment.


Submit your proposal

For your inspiration: EDLAB Education Grant Winners 2023-2024 video playlist

Also read

  • In this article, John Harbord, writing advisor at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASoS), looks at the patterns of Grammarly use and the writing challenges students face. He also explores the impact of relying on automated tools for developing academic writing skills.

  • Hüseyin Sakalli, a teacher at FASoS, has developed a new card game designed to support the PBL process. Are you curious? Read his story!

  • EDLAB has developed the UM TutorKit to provide quick and easy tools for common challenges in Problem-Based Learning (PBL) classrooms. From September 2024, this new toolkit, which supports group dynamics, feedback, and evaluation processes, will be available to all UM teachers across faculties.