MCICM and The Plant host workshop on digitality in classical music

The Maastricht Centre for the Innovation of Classical Music hosted the workshop ‘Digital tech meets classical music’ together with The Plant at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences on 30 May 2024. Participants included researchers and students from FASoS, teachers from Conservatorium Maastricht and Zuyd University as well as MCICM researchers.

During the workshop, participants discussed how technology is used in their everyday practice and how these could be developed to create a meaningful impact. There are already many technologies available that help musicians especially while they prepare for a concert, however, these also come with some setbacks such as becoming overly dependent on these technologies. 

After the discussion, participants explored three technologies: virtual reality, sound sensors and RPi. With these experiences, participants further discussed how these experiences help their practice, how they see this working and not working for practitioners and audiences, and what future technologies could explore. 

We are very grateful for the kind hospitality of The Plant at FASoS for helping us plan and execute this workshop, and we look forward to developing a follow up workshop in the future. 

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