Maastricht Award for Nick Bos

Nick Bos, Vice-President of the Executive Board of Maastricht University, has been honoured with the Sign of Merit from the city of Maastricht. He received the award on 6 June from Deputy Mayor Hubert Mackus in recognition of his significant contributions to the university and to Maastricht. Nick Bos will take leave of the university at the beginning of July. 

On behalf of the municipality, Mackus praised Nick Bos in his speech for his role in the university's growth, as well as for the development of Maastricht and South Limburg. "What certainly should not go unmentioned is your role in the establishment of the four Brightlands Campuses (...) Thanks to these campuses, Limburg and Maastricht have gained a reputation in research into solutions for major global transition challenges. Throughout all this, you have been mindful of the monumental heritage of the city of Maastricht. As the university's portfolio holder for real estate, you have explicitly chosen to preserve the city's cultural heritage."

The Sign of Merit is an award for individuals who, for many years, have served with dedication in a position within the government or an organisation important to the administrative, economic, cultural, or social functioning of Maastricht.

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