25 Jan

PhD Defence Kevin M.R. Nijssen

Supervisors: Prof. dr. ir. R.P. Mensink, Prof. dr. J. Plat

Co-supervisor: Dr. P.J. Joris

Keywords: ageing; healthy nutrition; brain; insulin sensitivity; vascular function.

"Vascular function and insulin sensitivity in the brain and periphery: Effects of dietary intervention strategies in adults"

A healthy diet is important in preventing the development of age-related disorders, such as cardiovascular disease (CVD), type 2 diabetes (T2D), and dementia, which are closely associated with cognitive decline. The overall aim of the dissertation was to study the effects of dietary intervention strategies on vascular function and insulin sensitivity in the brain and periphery among adults. First, this research reveals that region-specific changes in cerebral blood flow in response to intranasal insulin administration show differences in brain insulin sensitivity between healthy and diseased populations. This dissertation also provides further evidence that dietary intervention strategies can reduce the risk of age-related metabolic disorders by affecting vascular function and insulin sensitivity in the brain. These observed findings may contribute to beneficial effects on cognitive performance. Additionally, longer-term mixed nut consumption improved traditional risk factors such as blood pressure and cholesterol levels, as well as various markers of vascular function in the periphery, thereby reducing the risk of CVD.

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