14 Jul

Inaugural lecture Prof. dr. Tjark Vredeveld

Appointed as professor in Decision making for planning and scheduling

"Schoolyard of Scheduling"

Planning and scheduling are decision-making processes that occur frequently in many applications, e.g. in standard production processes or service industries. In general, these problems are concerned with the allocation of scarce resource to tasks over time, often to optimise one or more objectives.

Models and algorithms for scheduling problems has become a major research area in mathematics of operations research over the last 70 years. The research in the field of scheduling has been motivated by the fact that many scheduling problems are computationally challenging; many approaches and models to deal with different kind of situations have been introduced for scheduling problems.

As these techniques and models can also be applied in the broader field of operations research and (theory of) algorithms, scheduling can be seen as a schoolyard for the development of new techniques. 

These developments, including recent models inspired by machine learning, covers the field of the chair of `decision making in planning and scheduling’, which we will elaborate on in this inaugural lecture.

Language: English

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