PPP step 4: How to add a short bio + your expertise

In the Introduction section (first step in the edit profile section, 'General' component)
you can upload a brief summary to yourself and your research. You can easily consult
the personal profiles of fellow researchers for inspiration to write a concise text.

If your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date you can use this information to setup your profile page,
all you need to do is simply copy-paste the text.

Please note:
Keep this part of your information short, in order to make your profile reader-friendly.
In the 'Career History' section you can write a more extendend version of your bio, if you like.

Use the Expertise field to highlight your expertise
(second step in the edit profile section, under the 'Activities' component).

Please note:
We are currently developing a possibility to highlight your key expertise already directly
in the employee (institute PEOPLE) overview. This user-friendly option provides users
with quick access to the field of expertise they are looking for.

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