Academic Ceremonies March 2010



Promotion dhr. Javier de Cendra de Larragán LL.M.

Faculty of Law


  • prof.dr. M.G. Faure,
  • prof.dr. M.G. Peeters.

Thursday 4 March 2010, 10.00 hours

“Distributional choices in EU climate change law and policy. Towards a principled approach?”

This thesis analyses, from the perspective of legal principles, choices made in EU law concerning the distribution of benefits and costs arising from climate change policies. It recommends making a number of changes to EU climate change law, to reduce tensions between choices and principles. Examples are: review EU policy on biofuels, particularly in relation to imported biofuels; review the approach of the EU to burden sharing between Member States, to ensure that old Member States do not profit from past inactions; monitor closely the interactions that may take place among mitigation measures recently adopted, in order to swiftly correct undesired (distributional) impacts; reconsider the EU approach to burden sharing at international level, in particular the equal per capita approach, and start considering at theoretical level the feasibility of EU-wide personal carbon trading.


Key words:

climate change policies, EU law

Promotion mw. Veronique E.J.M. Bruggeman

Faculty of Law


  • prof.dr. M.G. Faure;
  • prof.dr. T. Hartlief.

Thursday 4 March 2010, 12.00 hours

“Compensating catastrophe victims; a comparative law and economic approach”​

Promotion drs. Gerard J.A.M. Brouns

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences.


  • prof.dr. H. Philipsen;
  • prof.dr. A. Knotter;


  • dr. J.P.M. Diederiks.

Thursday 4 March 2010, 16.00 hours

“Sociaal-Psychiatrische verpleegkunde: de ontwikkeling van een verpleegkundig specialisme in het domein van de Nederlandse sociale psychiatrie”

Promotion drs. Tim G.A.M. Wolfs

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences.


  • prof.dr. W.A. Buurman.

Friday  5 March 2010, 12.00 hours

“Toll-like receptors in development, health and disease”

Promotion drs. Franciscus A. Spaapen

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences.


  • prof.dr. J.P.M. Geraedts;


  • dr. J.W. Voncken.

Friday 5 March 2010, 14.00 hours

“Replicating DNA at Top Speed – Chromatin at Risk”

Promotion mw.drs. Yvonne Bol

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences.


  • prof.dr. F.R.J. Verhey;
  • prof.dr. R.M. Hupperts;
  • prof.dr. J.W. Vlaeyen.;


  • dr. A.A. Duits.

Friday 5 March 2010, 16.00 hours

“Understanding fatigue in multiple sclerosis. From a psychological perspective”

Promotie mw. Lili Bai

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences.


  • prof.dr. E. Biessen;
  • prof.dr. M.J. Daemen;


  • dr. S. Heeneman.

Wednesday 10 March 2010, 14.00 hours

“Immunosuppressive and anti-proteolytic therapy in vascular diseases”

Promotion mw. Jessica S. Hagen-Zanker

Faculty of Humanities and Sciences.


  • prof.dr. C. de Neubourg;


  • Dr. P. Kaczmarczyk, Warsaw;
  • dr. C. Azzarri.

Friday 12 March 2010, 10.00 hours

“Modest expectations; causes and effects of migration on migrant households in source countries”

This research, mainly looking at Albania and Moldova, investigates the reasons why people migrate internationally and send remittances. It also analyses the consequences of internal migration on the wellbeing of migrants and their family and how it affects the relationship between family members. It shows that migrant households earn higher incomes after migration, but are worse off in many aspects, e.g. housing. This is because they live in poor, semi-legal conditions and because migration is an expensive investment. Consequently, family solidarity remains high after migration, especially financial and good transfers.



Migration, remittances, Albania, Moldova, family, transfers

Promotion mw.drs. Ruth J.P. Dalemans

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • Prof.dr. L.P. de Witte;
  • Prof.dr. W. van den Heuvel;
  • Prof. D. Wade.

Friday 12 March 2010, 12.00 hours

“Stroke survivors with aphasia and their social participation”

Promotie mw. Eva R. Rieter

Faculty of Law.


  • Th. Van Boven.

Friday 12 March 2010, 14.00 hours

“Preventing Irreparable Harm Provisional Measures in International Human Rights Adjudication”

Promotion mw.drs. Ingrid J.M. Scheffers

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences.


  • prof.dr. P.W. de Leeuw;


  • Dr. A.A. Kroon;
  • dr. J.H.M. Tordoir

Friday 12 March 2010, 16.00 hours

“Carotid baroreflex activation; a novel method to treat resistant hypertension”

Promotion drs. Abdoireza Afrasiabi

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences.


  • prof.dr. H.C. Hemker;
  • prof.dr. P. Manucci,
  • dr. F. Peyvandi, Milan, It.

Wednesday 17 March 2010, 14.00 hours

“Molecular Genetic Analysis of Patients with Rare Bleeding; disorders in South Iran”

Promotion drs. Hans Manner

School of Business and Economics


  • prof.dr. F. Palm;
  • prof.dr. J.P. Urbain.

Thursday 18 March 2010, 16.00 hours

“Modeling asymmetric and time-varying dependence”

This research is concerned with developing and extending models for dependencies between economic variables. Many techniques exist to capture such co-movements and this thesis focuses on a class of functions called copulas or dependence functions. Although with the help of copulas one can model and capture very distinct forms of dependence, most of the literature assumes that the type and degree of dependence remains constant over time. This research shows how one can relax this restriction, and it shows the usefulness of these so called time-varying copulas for investment decisions and by studying the contagion of financial crisis.


Key words:

economic variables, copulas

Promotion mw. Ivona Brasnjevic

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences.


  • prof.dr. H.W.M. Steinbusch;


  • dr. B. Rutten.

Friday 19 March 2010, 10.00 hours

“Molecular and cellular alterations in the aging and Alzheimer’s disease brain: implications for therapeutic and preventative strategies”

Promotion dhr. Alvaro Moreno Sánchez

Faculty of Humanities and Sciences.


  • prof.dr. P. Martens;


  • Dr. B. Amelung.

Friday 19 March 2010, 12.00 hours

“Climate change and tourism”

Promotion mw.drs. Saskia P.A. Nicolai

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences.


  • prof.dr. M.H. Prins;


  • dr. J.A. Teijink, Eindhoven;
  • dr. E.V. Rouwet, EUR.

Friday 19 March 2010, 14.00 hours

“The impact of supervised exercise therapy on intermittent claudication”

Inaugural lecture prof.dr. Thomas Dohmen

Inaugural lecture prof.dr. Thomas Dohmen, appointed Professor Education and the Labor Market and director Researchcentrum voor Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt (ROA). Faculty of Business and Economics.

Friday 19 March 2010, 16.30 hours

“Waarom sommigen liever leraar worden en anderen beter geen bankier kunnen worden”

Promotion mw. Pia A.E. Ägren

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences.


  • prof.dr. C.E. Blanco;
  • prof.dr. L. Zimmermann;


  • Dr. E. Villamor, dr. A.L. Cogolludo-Torralba, Madrid.

Thursday 25 March 2010, 14.00 hours

“The chicken embryo as a model for ductus arteriosus developmental biology”

Promotion mw.drs. Bea Zoer

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences.


  • prof.dr. C.E. Blanco;
  • prof.dr. J.G. De Mey


  • dr. E. Villamor.

Thursday  25 March 2010, 16.00 hours

“Oxygen Stress; effect on pre- and perinatal development and vascular reactivity”

Promotion drs. Martijn Tennekes

Faculty of Humanities and Sciences


  • R.L.M. Peeters;


  • dr. J.J.M. Derks;
  • J. Kuipers;
  • dr. F. Thuijsman.

Friday 26 March 2010, 14.00 hours

“Network Formation Games”

Promotion drs. Adrianus H.J. den Reijer

School of Business and Economics.


  • prof.dr. F.C. Palm;
  • prof.dr. L.H. Hoogduin, UvA.

Friday 26 March 2010, 16.00 hours

“Macroeconomic Forecasting using Business Cycle Leading Indicators”

Promotion mw.drs. Hélène G.M. Vossen

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences.


  • prof.dr. J. van Os;
  • prof.dr. H. Hermens, OUN;


  • dr. R. Lousberg.

Wednesday 31 March 2010, 12.00 hours

“Cortical processing of pain: a bridge between experimental findings and clinical applications”

Pain is a subjective experience. This means that not only psychical factors but also psychological, cognitive, social and environmental factors influence the way pain is perceived. This subjective character makes direct measurement of pain impossible. Pain Event-Related Potentials (pain-ERP) represent the cortical response to pain and are thought to be a more objective measure compared to self-report measures such as Visual Analogue Scales. However, the pain-ERP is a rather complex measure which contains considerable variability. This variability most probably is caused by other (pain-related) information which needs to be identified. This thesis discusses the use of Event-Related Potentials in pain research. More specifically, it discusses methodological concerns and ideas about unravelling the pain-ERP.

Promotion mw.drs. Magdalena Wullink

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences.


  • prof.dr. G.J. Dinant,
  • prof.dr. J. Metsemakers;
  • prof.dr. H.M. Schrojenstein Lantman-de Valk, RUN.

Wednesday  31 March 2010, 14.00 hours

“Towards an inclusive society; healthcare for people with intellectual disability”