National platform for threatened academics

Academics regularly face threats, harassment and hate speech. To address this issue, Universities of the Netherlands (UNL), the Dutch Research Council (NWO) and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) are launching the platform WetenschapVeilig on 7 November 2022. This platform serves as a point of contact for academics who have been threatened or harassed, and advises on the help and support available within the own university. Academics who are threatened or harassed can also go there for help 24 hours a day. 

With the new hotline, institutions are hoping to make it easier for threatened academics to access the helplines within their institution. In addition, there is a 24/7 emergency line that academics can call in urgent situations. The website also contains useful tips for academics, staff and employers. The universities and participating institutions will monitor the reports received via WetenschapVeilig and will also be collaborating more intensively and sharing their expertise on this theme.

Reporting threats or harassment

Academics of Maastricht University who have been threatened or harassed can contact UM's Concerns and Complaints Point (CCP) during office hours. In addition, UM academics can submit a report on, which will be securely forwarded to CCP. CCP will then contact the reporter(s) within one working day to determine what type of help is appropriate and available. WetenschapVeilig also provides the option to report threats or harassment by phone 24/7.

Maastricht University believes it is important that employees always report threats and harassment and offers the support and help needed.



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