Healthy Primary School of the Future is expanding to the rest of The Netherlands

Healthy nutrition, sufficient exercise and cultural and talent development are important for the growth of every child. These key elements will be an integral part of every school day, thanks to the concept of Healthy Primary School of the Future. JOGG, Gezonde School, Stichting Gezonde Basisschool van de Toekomst, Voedingscentrum, Universiteit Maastricht, Jeugdfonds Sport & Cultuur en Kenniscentrum Sport & Bewegen work together to support schools and municipalities that want to collaborate with Healthy Primary School of the Future. Healthy Primary School of the Future's new online platform helps with this.

Healthy Primary School of the Future started in Limburg in 2015. More and more schools and municipalities are following the example. Research by Maastricht University has proven that the concept works: it has a positive effect on the students' physical and mental development. It also leads to a more positive atmosphere at schools. This way, every child gets the opportunity to grow up in a healthy environment. Our ambition is to reach even more schools and municipalities. This will be easier now that we have launched a new online platform.

New online platform

How can you organise a healthy lunch at school? What financial aid can you think of, and how can you motivate children at school to exercise an extra hour per day? As of today, you can find all the answers to questions like these on Healthy Primary School of the Future's new online platform.

Would you like to know more? Visit (information only available in Dutch).


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