Healthy Primary School of the Future - online talkshow

Children become healthier when they have healthy lunches at school, exercise in different ways and learn about healthy behaviour while at school. This is the result of the Kennis As project Healthy Primary School of the Future. For four years, Maastricht University scientists compared more than 2200 children at four project schools with those at four regular schools. The successful project has become the focus of a special talkshow, which can be viewed further down this page.

Green Primary School

Now that the research project has come to an end, the parties involved have set up a foundation to support the expansion of healthy primary schools. The aim is to have at least thirty schools in Limburg by 2023.

Yesterday it was announced that a follow-up project will be launched together with Hasselt University and both the Dutch and Belgian Limburg provincial authorities, the Green Healthy Primary School of the Future.

The Hague

The positive results of the Healthy Primary School of the Future project have also been noticed in The Hague. Project leader Onno van Schayck was recently invited by the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) to come and talk about the project in both the parliament and senate. State Secretary Blokhuis has previously indicated that he is in favour of a nationwide roll-out of healthy school lunches in primary schools.

But what would that involve? What exactly are the health benefits? How do you gather support from parents for a programme like this? What opportunities are there for businesses; for example, local vegetable farmers? How can it be sustainably financed?

In the video below, Maurice de Heus, host of the L1 Limburg regional TV show AvondGasten, talks to various guests about this successful initiative. The video is in Dutch. 

This video can be viewed below in four separate parts.

Part 1 - What exactly are the health gains? 

Part 2 - Does the project have political support?

Deel 3 - How about business opportunities for local farmers and logistics?

Part 4 - How do you get parents on board? And what about education?

Read more: the Dutch evening daily NRC Handelsblad recently published an extensive article on the Healthy Primary School of the Future. 

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