Living Lab on Sustainable Care Limburg presented @ the International Conference of Integrated Care

In the beginning of April the International Conference of Integrated Care (ICIC) took place in San Sebastian, Basque Country. The overarching theme was ‘evaluating and implementing models of integrated people – centered services’. The conference brought together researchers, clinicians and managers from around the world who are engaged in the design and delivery of integrated and social care. 

A group of our colleagues represented our department. Dirk Ruwaard, Esther, van den Bogaart, Marielle Kroese, Niels Hameleers and Tessa Quanjel gave a very interesting 1,5 hour workshop about measuring and evaluating the Quadruple Aim in Primary care plus practices. The workshop was the morning after the gala dinner, which is a bit of a tricky timeslot, but still there was a lot of interest and interaction with the audience. Sanne gave a 20 minute presentation about her Citizen Science project. ICIC delegates where extremely interested in Sanne’s project, since the participation of lay citizens (or patients) in (research) projects is high on the agenda these days. Next year the ICIC conference will be in Croatia from the 27the to the 29th of April. 


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