Update #16 cyber attack UM

Lessons learnt

In a few weeks' time, UM expects to be able to publicise the lessons learnt following the attack on our computer systems. For our own sake, but also for the academic colleagues, and other stakeholders. Also towards the media. We expect this to happen on 6 February, when we also want to answer questions that we cannot address while the investigation is still ongoing, so as not to harm the interests of our students and employees as well as the university as a whole.

Message for Alumni: passwords

We have received questions from alumni about changing their passwords. The accounts and passwords for the lifelong alumni mail account (@alumni.maastrichtuniversity.nl) and the alumni portal have not been affected by the cyber attack, but are still blocked. So you cannot change your password at this time. But don’t worry, next week (week of 13 January) we will have more information for you. Until then, registration for the UM Star Lectures is only possible via email.

Information desks and mailboxes for students and staff

Students who have questions that are not answered in the FAQ and that are not study-related, can send an email to info@m-u.nl. Study related questions can be sent to your own faculty, via the mailboxes below.  

Staff members can address their units with their questions.

  • Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences: fhml@m-u.nl, Universiteitssingel 50
  • Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience: fpn@m-u.nl, Universiteitssingel 40
  • Faculty of Law: fl@m-u.nl, Bouillonstraat 2
  • Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences: fasos@m-u.nl, Grote Gracht 90/92
  • Faculty of Science and Engineering: fse@m-u.nl, Kapoenstraat 2
  • School of Business and Economics: sbe@m-u.nl, Tongersestraat 53
  • Service centres:
    University Library, Facility Services & Finance: servicecentra@m-u.nl
    Students Services Centre & ICTS: info@m-u.nl
  • Maastricht University Office: muo@m-u.nl 
  • University Libraries: inner city and Randwyck
  • Student Services Centre: Bonnefantenstraat 2

Opening hours callcenter for students
The callcenter can be reached on working days from 8:30 until 17:00 at +31 43 38 85 101 or e-mail: info@m-u.nl.


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  • "We are the pioneers in a brand-new field of engineering sciences, not just in Maastricht but globally as well", says Francesco Ferrari about the group of thirteen students, himself included, who in July received the first bachelor's degree in Circular Engineering. 

  • Moving orange spots on a yellow background are the first indication that something unusual is taking place in Maastricht's limestone quarry, Sint-Pietersberg. A closer look reveals that these are people clothed in orange vests. They are Maastricht Science Programme students and supervisors.