UM organises a heroïc day for children with a chronical illness

Match Maastricht, in collaboration with Circumflex, Saurus and the emergency services, is hosting a special day for children with long-term illnesses on Saturday June 15, 2019. They call it ‘an illness-free day’.

During this day, children will be able to walk in the footsteps of a firefighter, police officer, ambulance nurse or soldier. Thus, children become “the hero of the day”. Its purpose is to provide children an unforgettable day, allowing them to forget about their illness, if only for a day.

Emergency services vehicles will collect the children at the hospital between 11.00 and 12.00. They will bring the children to Adelante, using a route that takes them across the Groene Loper, among other places.

More information and registration

The City Tour starts at 12.00, escorted by the Zuid-Limburg police’s motorcyclists. There will be a joint lunch at Adelante’s terrain, as well as various activities hosted by the emergency services. These activities include climbing onto an aerial platform, using a fire engine’s hose and looking inside an ambulance. The children will return to the MUMC+ after 15.00.


Match project leader Martijn Weyenberg has initiated the carefree day. Match is a project initiated by the UM and Maastricht municipality to bring students and other local residents into contact with each other through social engagements in the city. This is why a collaboration of fraternities and Rotary members also support this day.

For more information and application form click here

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