Press coverage of study "Giving Behavior of Millionaires"

Paul Smeets and Rob Bauer appeared in various national and international newspapers. These articles were based on their study “Giving Behavior of Millionaires”, which just got published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

Articles appeared in the daily newspapers Het Belang van Limburg, De Morgen, Dagblad de Limburger, De Telegraaf, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Metro (Belgium), RTL Z,,, Het Parool and Die Presse.

Rob Bauer also appeared on BNR Newsradio, Radio 1 and L1 radio about the study “Giving Behavior of Millionaires”, which just got published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). It is a joint paper with Uri Gneezy (University of California San Diego) and Paul Smeets.

Please follow below links for a pdf of the article and the Radio interview.

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