Partnership with SHE Collaborates / Skillslab

Start of the official partnership with SHE Collaborates

In February 2017, we started an official partnership with SHE Collaborates*. A Skillslab task group works together with SHE Collaborates and looks for practical ways to innovate skills education worldwide.

We provide on-site trainings in various countries across the globe. 

We regularly provide in-house trainings and tours for international delegations. 

* SHE Collaborates is an office within the School of Health Professions Education (SHE). 


We are passionate about exchanging ideas and experiences, and the cross-pollination that this process brings about. The enriching experience in other cultural settings with other customs, other ways of learning and other facilities brings about innovation that can then be incorporated into our own skills education. Moreover, the Skillslab staff gets the opportunity to experience and integrate skills education with a more international scope. 


“Worldwide, it’s the students who help us to reflect upon and improve our education.” 

                                                  Moniek Steenis, Skillslab teacher