International cooperation / Skillslab


Clinical skills education with an international scope

With over 40 years of experience in clinical skills education, we are passionate about continual innovation and international cooperation within the Skillslab.

“We learn from each other, we motivate each other, we work together, we connect!
Education is the perfect stimulus!”

                                                  Femke Jongen, Head of the Skillslab department

Interested in working together?

Would you like to set up a Skillslab or are you interested in making changes to your current clinical skills education programme? Together with SHE Collaborates, we offer a tailored approach to improve clinical skills education in your own specific cultural setting, both on- and off-site. Get to know the possibilities by contacting SHE Collaborates.

“Globalization creates new cognitive and skill demands on people, and therefore new educational opportunities for schools and teachers.”

                                                 Valérie van den Eertwegh, Skillslab staff