Publications / Skillslab

2015   •2014   •2013   •2012   •2011   •2010   •2009   •2008   •2007   •2006   •2005   •2004   •2003   •2002   •2001   •2000



Van den Eertwegh, V., Van der Vleuten, C., Stalmeijer, R., Van Dalen, J., Scherpbier, A. & Van Dulmen, S. (2015) Exploring Residents’ Communication Learning Process in the Workplace: A Five-Phase Model. PLos ONE, 10(5)

Book Chapters

Nestel, D., Rethans, JJ. & Gliva-McConvey, G.A. (2015) Communities of practice and simulated patient methodology. In D. Nestel, M. Bearman (Eds.), Simulated Patient Methodology. Theory, evidence and practice. (pp. 23-30). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell

Rethans, JJ. & Derkx, H. (2015) Telephone incognito simulated patients. In D. Nestel, M. Bearman (Eds.), Simulated Patient Methodology. Theory, evidence and practice. (pp. 115-119). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell



Duvivier, R., Stalmeijer, R., Van Dalen, J., Van der Vleuten, C.& Scherpbier, A. (2014) Influence of the workplace on learning physical examination skills. BMC Medical Education, 14:61

Houwink, E.J.F., Muijtjens, A.M.M., Van Teeffelen, S.R., Henneman, L., Rethans, J-J., Van der Jagt, L.E.J., Van Luijk, S.J., Dinant, G.J., Van der Vleuten, C. & Cornel, M.C. (2014) Effectiveness of oncogenetics training on general practitioners’consultation skills: a randomized controlled trial. Genetics in Medicine, 16 (1), 45-52

Schlegel, C., Bonvin, R., Rethans, J-J. & Van der Vleuten, C. (2014) The use of video in standardized patient training to improve portrayal accuracy: A randomized post-test control group study. Medical Teacher, DOI:10.3109/0142159X.2014.970989

Susilo, A.P., Van Dalen, J., Chenault, M.N. & Scherpbier, A. (2014) Informed consent and nurses’ roles: A survey of Indonesian practitioners. Nursing Ethics, 21(6), 684-694

Van den Eertwegh, V., Van Dalen, J., Van Dulmen, S., Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. & Scherpbier, A.J.J.A. (2013) Residents' perceived barriers to communication skills learning: contrasting two medical working contexts in postgraduate training. Patient Education and Counseling, 95, 91–97.



Aomatsu, M., Otani, T., Tanaka, Ai., Ban, N. & Van Dalen, J. (2013) Medical Students’and Residents’Conceptual Structure of Empathy: A Qualitative Study. Education for Health, 26 (1), 4-8

Aalbers, M.W., Hommes, J., Rethans, J-J., Imbos, T., Muijtjens, A.M.M. & Verwijnen, G.M.
(2013) Why should I prepare? A mixed method study exploring the motives of medical undergraduate students to prepare for clinical skills training sessions. BMC Medical Education, 13:27

Claramita, M., Nugraheni, M.D.F., van Dalen, J. & van der Vleuten, C. (2013) Doctor-patient communication in a Southeast Asia: a different culture? Advances in health sciences, 18, 15-31

Claramita, M., Susilo, A.P., Kharismayekti, M., Van Dalen, J. & Van der Vleuten, C. (2013) Introducing a Partnership Doctor-Patient Communication Guide for Teachers in the Culturally Hierarchical Context of Indonesia. Education for Health, 26 (3), 147-155

Susilo, A.P., Van Dalen, J., Scherpbier, A., Tanto, S., Yuhanti, P. & Ekawati, N. (2013) Nurses’roles in informed consent in a hierarchical and communal context. Nursing Ethics, 20, 413-425

Susilo, A.P., Van den Eertwegh, V., Van Dalen, J. & Scherpbier, A. (2013) Leary’s Rose to Improve Negotiation Skills among Health Professionals: Experiences from a Souteast Asian Culture. Education for Health, 26 (1), 54-59

Susilo, A.P., Van Merriënboer, J., Van Dalen, J., Claramita, M. & Scherpbier, A. (2013) From Lecture to Learning Tasks: Use of the 4C/ID Model in a Communication Skills Course in a Continuing Professional Education Context. The journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 44, 278-284

Van Dalen, J. (2013) Communication skills in context: Trends and perspectives. Patient Education and Counseling, 92, 292-295

Van den Eertwegh, V., Van Dulmen, S., Van Dalen, J., Scherpbier, A.J.J.A. & Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. (2013) Learning in context: Identifying gaps in research on the transfer of medical communication skills to the clinical workplace. Patient Education and Counseling, 90 (2), 184-192



Duvivier, R.J., van Geel, K., van Dalen, J., Scherpbier, A.J.J.A. & van der Vleuten, C. (2012) Learning physical examination skills outside timetabled training sessions: what happens and why? Advances in health sciences education, 17, 339-355

Liaw, S.Y., Chan, S.W., Scherpbier, A., Rethans, J.J. & Pua, G.G. (2012) Recognizing, responding to and reporting patient deterioration: Transferring simulation learning to patient care settings. Resuscitation, 83, 395-398

Liaw, S.Y., Scherpbier, A., Rethans, J.J. & Klainin-Yobas, P. (2012) Assessment for simulation learning outcomes: A comparison of knowledge and self-reported confidence with observed clinical performance. Nurse Education Today, 32, e35 – e36

Pawlikowska, T., Zhang, W., Griffiths, F., Van Dalen, J. & Van der Vleuten, C. (2012) Verbal and non-verbal behavior of doctors and patients in primary care consultations – How this relates to patient enablement. Patient Education and Counseling, 86, 70-76

Pratidina Susilo, A., Nurmala, I., Van Dalen, J. & Scherpbier, A. (2012). Patient or physician safety? Physicians’ views of informed consent and nurses’ roles in an Indonesian setting. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 26, 212-218

Rethans, JJ., Grosfeld, F.J.M., Aper, L., Reniers, J., Westen, J.H., Van Wijngaarden, J.J. &
Van Weel-Baumgarten, E.M. (2012) Six formats in simulated and standardized patients use, based on experiences of 13 undergraduate medical curricula in Belgium and the Netherlands. Medical Teacher, 34, 710-716

Schlegel, C., Woermann, U., Shaha, M., Rethans, JJ. & Van der Vleuten, C. (2012) Effects of Communication Training on Real Practice Performance: A Role-Play Module Versus a Standardized Patient Module. Journal of Nursing Education, 51 (1), 16-22

Schlegel, C., Woermann, U., Rethans, JJ. & Van der Vleuten, C. (2012) Validity evidence and reliability of a simulated patient feedback instrument. BMC medical Education 12: 6

Staal, H., Van den Eertwegh, V. & Van Rhijn, L. (2012) Communicatie train je op de werkvloer. Medisch contact, 50, 2855-2857

Tran, T.Q., Scherpbier, A., van Dalen, J. & Wright, P. (2012) Teacher-made models: the answer for medical skills training in developing countries? BMC Medical Education 12, 98

Van Weel-Baumgarten, E.M., Brouwers, M., Grosfeld, F., Jongen Hermus, F., Van Dalen, J. & Bonke, B. (2012). Teaching and training in breaking bad news at the Dutch medical schools: A comparison. Medical Teacher, 34, 373-381

Book Chapters

Rethans, JJ. (2012) Integration of problem based learning and clinical skills education. In
Challenge of medical education in Japan, (pp. 136- 141)



Claramita, M., Van Dalen, J. & Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. (2011) Doctors in a Southeast Asian country communicate sub-optimally regardless of patients’ educational background. Patient Education and Counseling, doi:10.1016/j.pec.201102002 

Claramita, M., Utarini, A., Subono, H., van Dalen, J. & van der Vleuten, C. (2010) Doctor-patient communication in a Southeast Asian setting: the conflict between ideal and reality. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 16, 69-80

Diemers, A.D., van de Wiel, M.W.J., Scherpbier, A.J.J.A., Heineman, E. & Dolmans, D.H.J.M. (2011) Pre-clinical patient contacts and the application of biomedical and clinical knowledge. Medical Education, 45, 280-288

Dijcks, R., Derks, M., Verwijnen, M. & De Jongh, T.O.H. (2011) Fysische diagnostiek. Meningeale prikkeling. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 155, A2661

Kiguli, S., Mafigiri, D., Nakigudde, J., Van Dalen, J. & Van der Vleuten, C. (2010) A Qualitative study of caregivers’expectations and communication desires during medical consultation for sick children in Uganda. Patient Education and Counseling, 84, 217-222

Liaw, S.Y., Scherpbier, A., Klainin-Yobas, P. & Rethans, J.J. (2011) A review of educational strategies to improve nurses’roles in recognizing and responding to deteriorating patients. Internationa Nursing Review, 58, 296-303

Liaw, S.Y., Rethans, JJ., Scherpbier, A. & Piyanee, KY. (2011) Rescuing A Patient In Deteriorating Situations (RAPIDS): A simulation-based educational program on recognizing, responding and reporting of physiological signs of deterioration. Resuscitation, 82 (9), 1224-1230

Liaw, S.Y., Scherpbier, A.J.J.A., Klainin-Yobas, P. & Rethans, J.J. (2011) Rescuing A Patient In Deteriorating Situations (RAPIDS): an evaluation tool for assessing simulation performance on clinical deterioration. Resuscitation, 82, 1434-1439

Norcini, J., Anderson, B., Bollela, V., Burch, V., Joao Costa, M., Duvivier, R., Galbraith, R., Hays, R., Kent, A., Perrott, V. & Roberts, T. (2011) Criteria for good assessment: Consensus statement and recommendations from the Ottawa 2010 Conference. Medical Teacher, 33, 206-214

Peremans, L., Rethans, JJ., Verhoeven, V., Coenen, S., Debaene, L., Meulemans, H.,
Denekens, J. & Van Royen, P. (2011) Geïnformeerde patiënt of geïnformeerde huisarts? Kwaliteitsverhoging in de reproductieve gezondheidszorg. Huisarts Nu, 40(4), 177-183

Rethans, JJ. & Donner-Banzhoff, N., (2011) Motivation in medical education and patient communication. The EGPRN meeting in Zurich, Switzerland, October 2010. European Journal of General Practice, 17, 129-132



Bokken, L., Van Dalen, J. & Rethans, J-J. (2010) The Case of “Miss Jacobs:” Adolescent Simulated Patient and the Quality of Their Role Playing, Feedback, and Personal Impact. Simulation in Healthcare: The Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare, 5 (6), 315-319

Bokken, L., Rethans, J-J., Jöbsis, Q., Duvivier, R., Scherpbier, A. & Van der Vleuten, C. (2010) Instructiveness of Real Patients and Simulated Patients in Undergraduate Medical Education: A Randomized Experiment. Academic Medicine, 85(1), 148-154

Cantillon, P., Stewart, B., Haeck, K., Bills, J., Ker, J. & Rethans, J-J. (2010) Simulated patient programmes in Europe: Collegiality or separate development? Medical Teacher, 32, e106-e110

Claramita, M., Prabandari, Y.S., Van Dalen, J. & Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. (2011) Developing and validating a guideline on doctor-patient communication for Southeast Asian context. South-East Asian Journal of Medical Education, .4 (2), 23-30

Claramita, M., Susilo, A.P. & van Dalen, J. (2010) The UK communication curricula wheel in different contexts: providing local evidence. Medical Education, 44(9), 941-942

Derkx, H., Rethans, J-J., Muijtjens, A., Maiburg, B., Winkens, R., van Rooij, H. & Knottnerus, A. (2010) ‘Quod scripsi, scripsi.’ The quality of the report of telephone consultations at Dutch out-of Hours centres. Quality and Safety in Health Care, 19, 1-4

Godefrooij, M.B., Diemers, A.D. & Scherpbier, A.J.J.A. (2010) Student’s perceptions about the transition to the clinical phase of a medical curriculum with preclinical patient contacts; a focus group study. BMC Medical Education, 10,28

Peremans, L., Rethans, J-J., Verhoeven, V., Coenen, S., Debaene, L., Meulemans, H., Denekens, J. & Van Royen, P. (2010) Empowering patients or general practitioners? A randomized clinical trial to improve the qauality in reproductive health care in Belgium. The European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care, 15, 280-289

Van Mook, W.N.K.A., van Luijk, S.J., Fey-Schoenmakers, M.J.G., Tans, G., Rethans, J-J., Schuwirth, L.W. & van der Vleuten, C.P.M. (2010) Combined formative and summative professional behaviour assessment approach in the bachelor phase of medical school: A Dutch perspective. Medical Teacher, 32, e517-e531

Royen, P., Sandholzer, H., Griffiths, F., Lionis, C., Rethans, J-J., Galí, F., Eilat-Tsanani, S. & Hummers-Pradier, E. (2010) Are presentations of abstracts at EGPRN meetings followed by publication? European Journal of General Practice, 16, 100-105

Book Chapters

Bokken, L. & Rethans, JJ. (2010) Simulated Patients. In H. van Berkel, A.J.J.A. Scherpbier, H.H. Hillen, C.P.M. Van der Vleuten (Eds.), Lessons from Problem Based Learning (pp. 75-87). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Brouwers, E. & Kruithof, M.I. (2010) Learning how to learn, teaching how to teach. In H. van
Berkel, A.J.J.A. Scherpbier, H.H. Hillen, C.P.M. Van der Vleuten (Eds.), Lessons from Problem Based Learning (pp. 107-117). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Diemers, A., Heineman, E. & Dolmans, D.H. (2010) The introduction of real (ambulatory) patients early in the curriculum. In H. van Berkel, A.J.J.A. Scherpbier, H.H. Hillen, C.P.M. Van der Vleuten (Eds.), Lessons from Problem Based Learning (pp. 67-74). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Dijcks, R. (2010) Neurologisch onderzoek. In T.O.H. De Jongh, J. Buis, H.E.M. Daelmans, M.J. Dekker, E. De Jong, W.L.M. Kramer, R. Remmen, Ch.P.M. Verhoeff, G.M. Verwijnen & R. Zietse (Eds.) Fysische diagnostiek. (pp. 267-305) Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum.

Duvivier, R.J., Van Dalen, J., Bartholomeus, P., Scherpbier, A.J.J.A. & Verwijnen, G.M. (2010) Skills Training. In H. van Berkel, A.J.J.A. Scherpbier, H.H. Hillen, C.P.M. Van der Vleuten (Eds.), Lessons from Problem Based Learning (pp. 87-96). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Duvivier, R., Van Dalen, J. & Rethans, J-J. (2010) Communication Skills. In H. van Berkel, A. Scherpbier, H. Hillen, C. van der Vleuten (Eds.), Lessons from Problem-Based Learning (pp. 97-106). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

De Jongh, T.O.H., Rommers, G.M., Boumans, M.T.A., Voesten-Pacques, M.J.L.G., Van der Sluis, C.K. & Dekker, R. (2010) Bewegingsapparaat. In T.O.H. De Jongh, J. Buis, H.E.M. Daelmans, M.J. Dekker, E. De Jong, W.L.M. Kramer, R. Remmen, Ch.P.M. Verhoeff, G.M. Verwijnen & R. Zietse (Eds.) Fysische diagnostiek. (pp. 199-266) Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum.

Hageraats, E., & Gijsen, A.P. (2010) Vrouwelijke genitaliën. In T.O.H. De Jongh, J. Buis, H.E.M. Daelmans, M.J. Dekker, E. De Jong, W.L.M. Kramer, R. Remmen, Ch.P.M. Verhoeff, G.M. Verwijnen & R. Zietse (Eds.) Fysische diagnostiek. (pp. 161-176) Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum.


Cleland, J.A., Abe, K. & Rethans, J-J. (2010) The Use of Simulated Patients in Medical Education. AMEE Teaching and Learning Guide 42. Dundee: Association for Medical Education in Europe

De Jongh, T.O.H., Buis, J., Daelmans, H.E.M., Dekker, M.J., De Jong, E., Kramer, W.L.M., Remmen, R., Verhoeff, Ch.P.M., Verwijnen, G.M. & Zietse R. (2010) Fysische diagnostiek. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum.



Bokken, L, van Dalen, J, Scherpbier, A, van der Vleuten, C & Rethans, J-J. (2009) Lessons learned from an adolescent simulated patient educational programme: five years of experience. Medical Teacher, 31(7), 605-612

Bokken, L., Linssen, T., Scherpbier, A., Van der Vleuten, C. & Rethans, J-J. (2009) Feedback by simulated patients in undergraduate medical education: a systematic review of the literature. Medical Education, 43, 202-210

Bokken, L., Linssen, T., Scherpbier, A., Van der Vleuten, C. & Rethans, J-J. (2009) The longitudinal simulated patient program: evaluations by teachers and students and feasibility. Medical Teacher, 31, 613-620

Bokken, L., Rethans, J-J., Van Heurn, L., Duvivier, R., Scherpbier, A. & Van der Vleuten, C. (2009) Students’ Views on the Use of Real Patients and Simulated Patients in Undergraduate Medical Education. Academic Medicine, 84(7), 958-963

Cleland, J.A., Abe, K. & Rethans, J-J. (2009) The use of simulated patients in medical education: AMEE Guide No 42. Medical Teacher, 31, 477-486

Derckx, H., Rethans, J-J., Maiburg, B., Winkens, R., Muijtjens, A., Van Rooij, H. & Knottnerus, A. (2009) Kwaliteit van telefonische triage op huisartsenposten in Nederland: Communicatieve vaardigheden en verslaglegging. Huisarts & Wetenschap, 52 (9), 455-461

Derckx, H.P., Rethans, J-J.E., Maiburg, B.H., Winkens, R.A., Muijtjens, A.M., Van Rooij, H.G. & Knottnerus, A.J. (2009) Quality of communication during telephone triage at Dutch out-of-hours centres. Patient Education and Counseling, 74(2), 174-178

Derckx, H., Rethans, J-J.., Maiburg, B.., Winkens, R. & Knottnerus, A. (2009) New Methodology for using incognito standardised patients for telephone consultation in primary care. Medical Education, 43, 82-88

Derkx, H., Rethans, J-J., Maiburg, B., Winkens, R., Muijtjens, A., Van Rooij, H. & Knottnerus, A. (2009) De kwaliteit van telefonische triage op huisartsenposten. Huisarts & Wetenschap 52(7), 326-331

Duvivier, R.J., Van Dalen, J., Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. & Scherpbier, A.J.J.A. (2009) Teacher perceptions of desired qualities, competencies and strategies for clinical skills teachers. Medical Teacher. Doi: 10.1080/01421590802578228.

Lillevang, L., Bugge, L., Beck, H., Rethans, J-J. & Ringsted, C (2009) Evaluation of a national process of reforming curricula in postgraduate medical education. Medical Teacher, 31, e260-e266, Doi: 10.1080/01421590802637966

Martens, M.J.C., Duvivier, R., Van Dalen, J., Verwijnen, G.M., Scherpbier, A.J.J.A. & Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. (2009) Student views on the effective teaching of physical examination skills: a qualitative study. Medical Education, 43, 184-191

Rethans, J-J., Ban, N. & Suzuki, Y. (2009) Future use of skills laboratories at Medical Schools in Japan: how to transform these into effective educational departments? Medical Education Japan, 40(5), 341-346



Bokken, L., Scherpbier, A., Vleuten van der, C. & Rethans, J-J. (2008) Strengths and weaknesses of simulated and real patients in the teaching of skills to medical students: a review. International Journal for Simulation in Healthcare, Fall 3(3), 161-9.

Bokken, L., Linssen, T., Scherpbier, A., Van Der Vleuten, C. & Rethans, J-J. (2008) The longitudinal simulated patient program: evaluations by teachers and students and feasibility. Medical Teacher 20, 1-8. (e-version)

Derckx, H.P., Rethans, J-J.E., Muijtjens, A.M., Maiburg, B.H., Winkens, R., Van Rooij, H.G. & Knottnerus, A.J. (2008) Quality of clinical aspects of call handling at Dutch out of hours centres: cross sectional national study. British Medical Journal, 337,a1264. Doi: 10.1136/bmj.a1264

Durak, H. I., Vatansever, K., Van Dalen, J. & Van der Vleuten, C. (2008) Factors determining students’ global satisfaction with clerkships: an analysis of a two year students’ database. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 13(4), 495-502

Linsen, T., Bokken, L. & Rethans, J-J. (2008) Return visits by simulated patients. Medical education, 42, 536-536



Bokken, L. & Rethans, J-J. (2007) Response to Blake & Gusella on impact of simulation on people who act as simulated patients. Medical Education, 41, 718-719 (Letter to the editor).

Derkx, H.P., Rethans, J-J., Knottnerus, A.J. & Ram, P.M. (2007) Assessing communication skills of clinical call handlers working at an out-of-hours centre: development of the RICE rating scale. British Journal of General Practice, 57, 383-387.

Diemers, A.D., Dolmans, D.H.J.M., Van Santen, M., Van Luijk, S.J. Janssen-Noordman, A.M.B. & Scherpbier, A.J.J.A., (2007) Students’perceptions of early patient encounters in a PBL curriculum: A first evaluation of the Maastricht experience. Medical Teacher, 29, 135-142

Diemers, A.D., Dolmans, D. H.J.M., Verwijnen, G.M., Heineman, E. & Scherpbier, A.J.J.A., (2007) Students’opinions about the effects of preclinical patient contacts on their learning. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 5, 633-647

Linssen, T., van Dalen, J. & Rethans, J-J. (2007) Simulating the longitudinal doctor-patient relationship: experiences of simulated patients in successive consultations. Medical Education, 41, 873-878.

Peremans, L., Rethans, J-J., Verhoeven, V., Debaene, L., Van Royen, P. & Denekens, J. (2007) Het contraceptieconsult bij adolescenten. Een studie met gestandaardiseerde patiënten in de huisartspraktijk. Huisarts Nu, 36, 426-431.

Rethans, J-J., Gorter, S., Bokken, L. & Morrison, L. (2007) Unannounced standardised patients in real practice: a systematic literature review. Medical Education, 41, 537-549.

Van Ravesteijn, H., Hagenraats, E. & Rethans, J-J. (2007) Training with of the gynaecological examination in the Netherlands. Medical Teacher, 29 (4), e93-e99.



Bokken, L., van Dalen, J. & Rethans, J-J. (2006) The impact of simulation on people who act as simulated patients: a focus group study. Medical Education, 40, 781-786.

Durak, H. I., Çertug, A., Caliskan, A. & Van Dalen, J. (2006) Basic life support skills training in a first year medical curriculum: six years’ experience with two cognitive-constructivist designs. Medical Teacher, 28(2), e49-e58.

Silverman, J., Kurtz, S. & Draper, J. (2000). Vaardig communiceren in de gezondheidszorg, een evidence-based benadering. Utrecht: Lemma. Tweede druk. Nederlandse bewerking: J. van Dalen. ISBN-10: 90-5931-451-4; ISBN-13: 978-90-5931-451-4.



Prince, K. J. A. H., Boshuizen, H. P. A., Van der Vleuten, C. P. M. & Scherpbier, A. J. J. A. (2005). Students' opinions about their preparation for clinical practice. Medical Education, 39(7), 704-712.

Prince, K. J. A. H., Scherpbier, A. J. J. A., Van Mameren, H., Drukker, J. & Van der Vleuten, C. P. M. (2005). Do students have sufficient knowledge of clinical anatomy? Medical Education, 39(3), 326-332.

Prince, K. J. A. H., Van Eijs, P. W. L. J., Boshuizen, H. P. A., Van der Vleuten, C. P. M. & Scherpbier, A. J. J. A. (2005). General competencies of problem-based learning (pbl) and non-pbl graduates. Medical Education, 39, 394-401

Overeem, K., Driessen, E.W., Drenthe, A., Van Tartwijk, J. & Van der Vleuten, C.P.M., (2005). Kwaliteitscriteria voor portfoliobeoordeling van geneeskundestudenten. Tijdschrift voor Medisch Onderwijs, 24 (2), 64-71.

Peremans, L., Rethans, J-J., Verhoeven, V., Debaene, L., Van Royen, P. & Denekens, J. (2005). Adolescents demanding a good contraceptive: a study with standardized patients in general practices. Contraception, 71, 421-425.

Schuwirth, L., Gorter, S., Van der Heijde, D., Rethans, J-J., Brauer, J., Houben, H., Van der Linden, S., Van der Vleuten, C. & Scherpbier, A., (2005). The Role of a Computerised Case-based Testing Procedure in Practice Performance Assessment. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 10, 145-155

Verhoeven, B.H., Snellen-Balendong, H.A.M., Hay, I.T., Boon, J.M., Van der Linde, M.J., Blitz-Lindeque, J.J., Hoogenboom, R.J.I., Verwijnen, G.M., Wijnen, W.H.F.W., Scherpbier, A.J.J.A. & Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. (2005). The versatility of progress testing assessed in an international context: a start for benchmarking global standardization? Medical Teacher, 27 (6), 514-250.



Bennet, N., Lockyer, J., Mann, K., Batty, H., LaForet, K., Rethans, J-J. & Silver, I. (2004). Hidden Curriculum in Continuing Medical Education. The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 24, 145-152. 

Bokken, L., Van Dalen, J. & Rethans, J-J. (2004). Performance-related stress symptoms in simulated patients. Medical Education, 38, 1089-1094.

Bokken, L., Van Dalen, J., Blok, G. & Rethans J-J. (2004). “Het moet wel een simulatie blijven.” Een onderzoek naar echte klachten bij simulatiepatiënten. Tijdschrift voor Medisch onderwijs, 23(6), 266-273.

Kaufman A., Van Dalen J., Mora Carrasco F. & Majoor G. (2004). The Network:Towards Unity for Health -25th anniversary. Medical Education, 38, 1212-1218.

Lionis, C., Stoffers, H.E.J.H., Hummers-Pradier, E., Griffiths, F., Rotar-Pavlic, D. & Rethans, J-J. (2004). Setting priorities and identifying barriers for general practice research in Europe. Results from an EGPRW meeting. Family Practice, 21 (5), 587-593.

Maiburg, B.H.J., Rethans, J-J.E., Van Erk, I.M., Mathus-Vliegen, L.M.H. & Van Ree, J.W. (2004). Fielding incognito standardised patients as ‘known patients in a controlled trial in general practice. Medical Education, 38, 1229-1235.

Maiburg, B.H.J., Rethans, J-J.E. & Van Ree, J.W. (2004). GP’s needs for practice-oriented nutrition Education; a Delphi study among Dutch GP’s. Family Practice, 21 (4), 425-428.

Moulaert, V., Verwijnen, M. G. M., Rikers, R. & Scherpbier, A. J. J. A. (2004). The effects of deliberate practice in undergraduate medical education. Medical Education, 38, 1044-1052.

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