
More news items
  • ‘Earth’s hottest month ever’ is a clear warning that we as humanity should not overshoot planetary boundaries. We must act now, and we should do it together.

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) has gradually become more prevalent in our daily lives. We ask Siri about the weather or have Chat GPT type our work emails. But what does it take to make all these AI-driven devices work?

Blog Archive

Reflections from the World Cocoa Conference 2024 in Brussels: A Call for ChangeAccess
Navigating Climate Mitigation in Cocoa Supply Chains for Farmers' EmpowermentAccess
Why Gender Equality and Women´s Empowerment are crucial for Successful Agroforestry Carbon Farming ProjectsAccess
Earth’s hottest month ever! What now?Access
The Dark Side of AIAccess
Empowering Smallholder Farmers in the Data Economy: Unlocking Opportunities and Overcoming ObstaclesAccess
“Feeling” Global Sustainability Issues: Use AR and VR to dive into World-wide Value Networks in AgricultureAccess
What are the green claims of companies based on?Access
Sustainable Value Addition in the Global South – A Comparative Case Study of the Cocoa Value Chain in GhanaAccess
FSD's support for Solidaridad's Good Clothes Fair Pay PetitionAccess
Building the Bridge Between Academia and the “Outside” World: The Creation of the Fair & Smart Data SpearheadAccess
Smallholders at the End of the Supply Chain: Fair Carbon Payments for Carbon Farmers in the Global SouthAccess
Fair Trade Premiums: How Much Reaches the Farmers?Access
Building the "Missing Middle" in Africa's Farming SystemAccess
How digital tools can give farmers in Malawi their fair shareAccess
FSDGs – a brief look at the relationship between two acronymsAccess
Bringing the Farmer to the Consumer: Why Do Consumers Not Buy Fair Trade Products?Access
Transparency in the Carbon MarketAccess
GroЯ® trading platform as an example of Fair and Smart DataAccess
Carbon Banking to Tackle the Climate CrisisAccess