29 Jun
14:00 - 17:00

Want to know what participating in scientific research means in practice?

We call our test subjects 'test heroes' and if you want to know why, consider yourself invited to the 'open day for test heroes'.  This open day will take place in the research centre of the department of Nutrition and Movement Sciences on Wednesday 29 June from 14:00-17:00. The address: Universiteitssingel 50. ​Registration is required. 

At Maastricht University, there’s a lot of research being done into obesity, type 2 diabetes (diabetes), energy consumption and more. The aim of these studies is to map out people’s metabolism, but also to improve it.

This improvement can be achieved in many different ways, with existing or new medication, but also by changing the diet, taking food supplements, exercises or adjusting the temperature.

But how exactly are test subjects involved in this research? Come and we’ll show you during our open day for test heroes. In the afternoon, we’ll give you a tour of our research centre where you can see and experience for yourself what it’s like to participate in research.

 Any questions? Please send us an email