18 Jun
10:00 - 13:00

PANDEMRIC Mini-Symposium: 1 year of corona: lessons learned

Please note that the main language during the symposium will be German, but text materials will be in English.

On Friday June 18th, 2021 PANDEMRIC organises a mini-symposium. During the symposium, five speakers from administration and science will look back and forward at the corona pandemic and its impact on border regions in particular. 

This symposium is the second in a series of 3 symposia. This symposium focuses mainly on the German perspective. During the final symposium the results of the project will be discussed.


Language: German

opening by Marian Ramakers - project manager PANDEMRIC and program manager EMRIC
Alexander Friedrich - Professor and Chair of Medical Microbiology and
Infection Prevention at the University of Groningen (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen), Head of Department of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control at the University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG)

Michael Ziemons -  Dezernent für Soziales und Gesundheit at StädteRegion Aachen

Oliver Paasch -  Prime Minister of the German Speaking Community of Belgium
Henriette ter Waarbeek -  MD Communicable disease control consultant GGD Zuid Limburg & RIVM

Within PANDEMRIC, the Institute for Transnational and Euregional cooperation and mobility / ITEM carries out a number of studies on a wide range of subjects. In particular, ITEM explores the cooperation agreements and procedures and protocols of EMRIC. The final reports will contain an analysis of legislation, policy and practice, including recommendations on ways to structure crisis and emergency cooperation across borders, as well as public procurement. ITEM studies the administrative and procedural burdens on enabling medical staff to easily work across borders. By offering their cross-border expertise, ITEM researchers contribute to strengthening euregional cooperation during a major health crisis.


The PANDEMRIC project is supported by the Interreg V-A Euregion Meuse-Rhine programme

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