15 May

PhD Conferral Mrs. Laura W.M.E. Beckers, MSc. FHML

Supervisor: prof. dr. R.J.E.M. Smeets
Co-supervisors: dr. Y.J.M. Janssen-Potten, dr. E.A.A. Rameckers, dr. J.J.W. van der Burg (Radboud University)

Keywords: Cerebral Palsy, home training, interdisciplinary coaching, two-handed skills, parental stress, child rehabilitation.

“Chances and challenges of home-based bimanual training in children with unilateral cerebral palsy”

For this research, home training programmes were developed to improve the two-handed skills of children with unilateral Cerebral Palsy (brain damage occurring before, during or shortly after birth). To prevent an increase in parental stress, the programs distinguished themselves through interdisciplinary coaching of parents by a physio/ergo therapist and orthopaedic educationalist. During the training, the two-handed skills of the children (for example closing a zipper) seemed to improve, without increasing parental stress. Although the programs proved to be demanding for parents and children, parents were able to get the therapy and positively experienced the home training.

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