06 Nov

The Alumni Circle Western-Brabant organises an autumn walk

Alumni are invited to an autumn walk

The Alumni Circle Western-Brabant invites you to a new activity on 6 November in the context of the triptych: Less stress, more succes.

Prevention of stress – Autumn walk in the Mastbos
Under accompaniment of a guide we'll go for an autumn walk in the Mastbos from 14:00 until 15:30. During this walk we'll see, smell and experience things you normally overlook. Completely charged and fresh from the healthy forest air we'll enjoy a drink at Dennenlucht. The kids can come as well and they can enjoy themselves in the playground after the walk.

Date: Sunday afternoon 6 November 2016
Location: Dennenlucht / Heistraat 15 in Breda
Programme: 13.30 uur: entry, 14.00 – 15.30 uur: walk, 17.30 uur: end of the activity

N.B. Contribution guest or children older than 12 years: € 5. For kids between 4-12 years we ask a small contribution of € 2,50. After the walk alumni receive two drinks which can be spend on yourself or your guest/child(ren).

Maximum of participants is 25, full=full.
You can register for this event via email alumni@maastrichtuniversity.nl or by phone (043-3885221).

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