10 Nov

Maastricht University organises a network event for alumni in Berlin

Alumni are very welcome to join an informal networking event

Maastricht University is pleased to invite you to a network event on Thursday, 10 November 2016 for all UM alumni living in Berlin together with a group of 25 students from the SCOPE|3MA Start-Up Tour 2016.
This is an excellent opportunity to network with our talented students and reminisce about your study time in Maastricht.

The Start-Up tour is a newly organized tour for students interested in working in the start-up scene in Berlin. Perhaps you are a former member of SCOPE|3MA? Regardless of your study track, our network event provides an interesting, lively and inspiring setting for you to discuss ideas and share experiences. Esther Kockelkoren, SBE External Relations Officer, will be present on behalf of the SBE alumni office.

Date: Thursday, 10 November 2016
Time: starting at 19:30hrs
Location: Neuer Weltempfänger, Anklamer Straße 27, 10115 Berlin
*two drinks and snacks will be provided by the SBE Alumni Office

If you plan to join the event, please confirm your attendance by replying to the following email alumni@maastrichtuniversity.nl or by phone (+31 43 388 5221).