11 Oct

Alumni Circle Brussels: Lecture US Presidential Elections

Alumni are kindly invited to a lecture in Brussel

The US Presidential elections fascinate people all around the globe. From Clinton over TTIP to Trump’s newest remarks, there are many reasons to closely follow the development of what is, arguably, the world’s most important electoral contest.

You are therefore all invited to join the UM Alumni Circle Brussels where Dr. Roberta Haar (Maastricht University) will review the US electoral season and shed light on how the elections will influence Europe, followed by a Q&A and a networking session.

Dr. Roberta Haar is a graduate of Penn University and an Assistant Professor at University College Maastricht, Faculty of Humanities and Sciences at Maastricht University. Her research focus is on US and European foreign policy as well as transatlantic relations.

Please sign up by sending us an e-mail: alumni@maastrichtuniversity.nl

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