28 Sep

PhD conferral Mw.drs. Katerina Bohle Carbonell

Supervisors: Prof.dr. J.J.G.van Merriënboer, Prof.dr. M.S.R. Segers
Co-supervisor: K.D. Könings
Key words: multidisciplinary teams, information exchange

Title: "May I ask you….? The influence of Individual, Dyadic, and Network Factors on the Emergence of Information in Exchange Teams"

Multidisciplinary teams are a common sight in many work settings such as hospitals, business, and universities. A common problem is that team members exchange information with each other, but don't distribute their information exchange evenly among team members. Information exchange can be asking for information, but also without a request giving new information to others. This research found that adaptive experts, team members who are flexible and can deal effectively with unfamiliar situation, develop more information exchange relationship. Managers can stimulate adaptive expertise by allowing employees to work on a variety of tasks and master diverse skills.