01 Jun

PhD conferral mw. Jette Led Sørensen, Msc.

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences
Supervisors: prof.dr. C.P.M. van der Vleuten; prof.dr. B. Ottesen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

‘Obstetric simulation; designing simulation-based  medical education and the role of physical fidelity’

Key words: medical education, simulation

The focus is design of simulation and choice of setting in simulation-based medical education. Simulation means a person, device, or set of conditions which attempts to present education authentically. The innovative value can be boiled down to this pragmatic conclusion when looking at outcome on individual and team learning: “You can simulate anywhere”. Our recommendation for institutions planning simulation is that they can conduct simulation in all kinds of settings and that they can decide based on the level of feasibility. However, to achieve organisational learning, it is recommended to occasionally conduct announced or unannounced in situ simulation, which means simulation in the actual patient-care unit.