
  • Daniela Trani

    YUFE – the making of

    In 2019, Young Universities for the Future of Europe (YUFE), a UM-led alliance, was judged the most promising answer to the European Commission’s call to develop and implement the first model for a European University. YUFE Director Daniela Trani on why and how she wants to change European higher...

  • The Netherlands is becoming less religious, but according to anthropologist Michiel van Well, religion is not disappearing from our society: it only appears in a different guise, namely in the form of technology.

  • No less than 1.2 million homes must be built before 2030. That is almost 6 times Tilburg that needs to be added.

  • PhD thesis written by Sofie Wolf.
    A legal comparison between the Dutch and the German parliament in EU affairs. The purpose of this dissertation is to compare the activities of the Dutch and German parliament in EU affairs. 

  • When the new lockdown came into effect in November and students were stuck in their rooms once again, it quickly became clear that something had to be done to support them. Margriet Schreuders, director of the Student Services Centre, and her colleagues understood this as well as anyone

  • law_prashant sabharwal - Phd thesis

    Conflict or Concord?

    PhD thesis written by Prashant Sabharwal.
    The Jurisprudential Response of the National Constitutional Courts of Germany, France and the United Kingdom to the Primacy Doctrine of the Court of Justice of the European Union from 2005 to 2015 – and the Lessons to be Learnt.

  • Freedom to experiment

    On 1 February, MERLN’s Scientific Director Pamela Habibović succeeds Rianne Letschert as rector of Maastricht University (UM). As she prepares to move to her new office, the professor of Inorganic Biomaterials talks about her engineering mind-set, how interdisciplinarity is crucial but far from easy...

  • Ice baths are 'hot'. In a portrait of an ice bath-taker in the Telegraaf, UM professor Wouter van Marken Lichtenbeld explains what we do and don't know about the effect of an ice bath on the body. Read the article and the explanation.

  • UM is the coordinator of the Young Universities for the Future of Europe (YUFE) alliance, a major strategic partnership between ten young, research-intensive universities from as many European countries. The YUFE alliance, together with its four non-governmental and private sector partners, aims at...

  • Maastricht University (UM) is located at the heart of the Meuse-Rhine Euregion. The borders are barely visible, but that does not mean that they can’t put a brake on the development of the region. UM is committed to making these obstacles visible and, on the basis of scientific research, initiating...