Veerle Spronck wins Max van der Kamp thesis prize

Veerle Spronck, PhD Candidate at FASoS, won the biannual Max van der Kamp thesis prize, after being chosen from three nominations.

In her CAST thesis ‘Between Art and Academia. A Study of the Practice of Third Cycle Artistic Research’, supervised by Peter Peters, she ethnographically investigated the everyday practices of artistic researchers in the Netherlands and Flanders.

The jury, led by prof. dr. Evert Bisschop Boele, was impressed with the way in which Spronck analysed the complex topic of research in the arts: “[her thesis] is very thorough, looks over borders, and contributes to a topical debate, yet at the same time is very well-readable and coherent.
Sproncks research method, coming into action and just having a look at what it is exactly what artists do, is not only original, but also breaks through the impasse in which discussions often end up in and opens the possibility to bring them a step further.”

 More information (in Dutch )

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