UM Medallion of Honour awarded to Wammes Bos

On the occasion of his retirement as editor of the university newspaper Observant, Wammes Bos was handed the Maastricht University Medallion of Honour by Prof. dr. Martin Paul, president of Maastricht University, on 7 June. He was awarded the distinction because of his exceptional contribution to shaping opinion and stimulating debate within UM. In his capacity as university newspaper editor, Bos was instrumental in strengthening the university’s reputation as a place where freedom of thought and (journalistic) independence prevails.

Wammes Bos and the executive board
Photo: Loraine Bodewes

Scoop: Wammes Bos exposed as Albert Bergbroeder

Wammes Bos was presented the award during his farewell party after having reached retirement age. The tables were turned as the journalist found himself being interviewed by his audience, moderated by former head of Marketing & Communications Fons Elbersen. During the interview, Bos ‘confessed’ to having written a long-running satirical column on the back page of the Observant under the pen name 'Albert Bergbroeder', a reference to the UM’s main administrative building, a former monastery. For years the identity of this ‘mountain brother’ had remained a secret.

Critical journalist

Bos started his UM career at the university library, writing articles about books that he found special. After a few years, in 1985, he moved to the university newspaper Observant, where he took on an image-defining role. Bos was known as a critical journalist with a penchant for in-depth interviews. He kept asking questions and refused to accept superficial answers or vague descriptions. In his news reports, interviews and stories of investigative journalism, Bos sketched out an image of UM in a substantive and critical manner. His journalistic approach and sharp articles helped contribute to the transparency of management at Maastricht University and the development of the institution.

Bos passed on his passion for the written word to many students. He trained numerous student columnists and student journalists. Some of them went on to become famous personalities, such as comedian Micha Wertheim, poet Bas Belleman and Marcia Luijten, host of TV current affairs programme Buitenhof and author of ‘Het geluk van Limburg’ (which translates as ‘The luck of Limburg’ or 'The happiness of Limburg').

About the UM Medallion
The UM Medallion is a special distinction awarded to employees of Maastricht University who have made an outstanding contribution to the name recognition, reputation or development of UM. It is presented only on the retirement or departure of the employee.

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