
  • Jean-Jacques Herings, Professor of Microeconomics at Maastricht University, was elected Economic Theory Fellow by the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (SAET). Economic Theory Fellows are selected for their scientific excellence, originality, and leadership; high education standards...

  • Elsemarie Jorissen took the expression "Go the extra mile" very literally: in the summer of 2019, she travelled to Uganda, to a place near the border with South Sudan. Not for a holiday, but for field research on a refugee settlement.

  • Cedric Oeldorf’s MSc thesis resulted in LoGAN v2: an AI that creates high-quality logos. Tech website Venturebeat discussed the preprint. (Article in English.)

  • Full article behind paywall

    Even as the UK braces for Brexit, open-minded students are turning to Europe for a high-quality degree - without £50,000 of debt. The Times journalist Senay Boztas meets the brigade of British undergraduates studying at Maastricht.

  • The Faculties of Law of Airlangga University in Surabaya and Maastricht University, the Netherlands, in collaboration with the Maastricht School of Management (MSM) have been awarded a grant under the Orange Knowledge Programme to embark on the important mission of strengthening skills, ethics, and...

  • Global climate change is an issue that Arthur Bribosia (UCM) and Marion Meyers (DKE) feel very strongly about. Strong enough to take action. Last May, they got 3000 people out on the street to join the first climate march in Maastricht. For the next march, scheduled for 20 September, they’re hoping...

  • Even in the world’s most war-torn countries, educational innovation is in demand. SHE Collaborates, part of the UM School for Health Professions Education, has launched several projects in Yemen and South Sudan.

  • A strong-willed globetrotter with an unwavering belief in the power of cooperation, and the ability to see opportunities where others see obstacles. That’s Patricia Vermeulen in a nutshell. The director of Amref Flying Doctors in Leiden, Vermeulen was educated at Maastricht University using Problem...

  • Constitutions compared

    The 5th edition of this handbook provides a user-friendly introduction to comparative constitutional law. For each area of constitutional law, a general introduction and a comparative overview is provided, which is then followed by more detailed country chapters on that specific area. The author has...

  • Comparative Constitutional Law Documents contains a selection of constitutions and fundamental legislative instruments from five Western democracies: the United States, France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.