
  • In her dissertation Carola Schoor analysed more than 70 speeches, using discourse theory. From the analyses emerged a model of three political styles: elitist, pluralist and populist. These styles are identified along three dimensions, namely ideational, social and presentational.

  • Together with Ewoud Hondius, Andrea Nicolussi, Pablo Salvador Coderch, Christiane Wendehorst and Fryderyk Zoll, Marta Santos Silva co-edited the book “Coronavirus and the Law in Europe”, whose online version was published by Intersentia in August 2020.

  • The COVID-19 crisis has made it very clear that professional buyers and supply chain managers (SCM) are important for our economy. COVID-19 has been a wake-up call for many companies and the spotlight is on Procurement and SCM. So, how do we actually deal with risks in our supply chains?

  • Students from 28 countries and scholars from all UM faculties and kicked off the new Bachelor Global Studies during the Introduction week in August.

  • What if we could use the same mechanisms behind popular dating apps such as Tinder, Harmony and Okcupid to help connect philanthropic foundations with projects and organisations in need of funding? This is the idea behind Fundii, a platform that is being developed by SBE Professor Paul Smeets...

  • With an inspiring campaign in Maastricht, Public Health students of Maastricht University have contributed to the launch of the global initiative 'This is Public Health' (TIPH). Their goal? To showcase what public health is and why it is so vitally important for promoting and protecting the health...

  • Olga Zvonareva has received an ERC Starting Grant, which is an European research grant for young academics at the career stage at which they are starting their own independent research team or programme. 

  • METRO is happy to announce the following four PhD defenses, all taking place in the Autumn of 2020:

    - 7 October, 16:00: Georges Akoa
    - 14 October, 12:00: Constantijn van Aartsen
    - 28 October, 16:00: Sandra Nobrega
    - 12 November, 10:00: Abasse Olossoumare

    More information about these defenses can...

  • The research collaboration LIGO/Virgo, which leads global research into gravitational waves has presented another major discovery.