
  • Dr Matteo Bonelli has become the winner of the UM Dissertation Prize for his thesis "A Union of Values: Safeguarding Democracy, the Rule of Law and Human Rights in the EU Member States". 

  • Scientists from Maastricht UMC+ and the German Max Planck Institute have succeeded in stimulating brain areas via a magnetic field in mice injected with electrically charged nanoparticles.

  • Maastricht University has won the SURF Security and Privacy Award. The prize has been awarded for the open way in which the university shared its knowledge and experience about the serious ransomware attack that took place just before Christmas 2019.


    Blog: Mind the gap!

    A recent study states that for women in procurement, the pay gap is 21% and that even increases to 35% for higher procurement positions. With no difference in performance in terms of quality, companies need to mind this gap!

  • At the end of 2020, Glynis Bogaard was awarded an NWO, VENI grant for her research project: Outsmarting liars: Towards an interviewing protocol that allows for single-case lie-detection. Bogaard, now Assistant Professor, is part of the Forensic Psychology section at the Faculty of Psychology and...

  • The bachelor’s programme in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence now offers the opportunity – in collaboration with Brightlands-based BSSC and BISS – for third-year students to complete a semester project with a company or organization.

  • The successful partnership the Living Lab in Ageing & Long-Term Care, initiated by Maastricht University, is being expanded. Having been joined by care organisations De Zorggroep, Proteion and Stichting Land van Horne in north and central Limburg, the partnership now covers the entire province.

  • Jette Banning (BA European Studies) and Greta Magnani (BA Arts and Culture) received the Thesis prize 2020.

  • Francesca Allievi (MA Arts & Heritage) and Marie Sophie Peffenköver (Research master European Studies) received the Thesis prize 2020.