Six Vidi grants for talented UM researchers

NWO has awarded a Vidi grant worth 800.000 euro to six experienced UM researchers: Prof. Caroline Goukens, Prof. Olivier Marie and Dr. Annelies Renders (all SBE), Prof. Bart Rutten and Dr. Judith Sluimer (both FHML/MUMC+), and Dr. Tamar Sharon (FASoS). The grant enables them to develop their own innovative line of research and set up their own research group. Vidi grants enable researchers to do research for five years. NWO awards Vidi grants every year. A total of 571 researchers submitted an admissible research project for funding during this Vidi funding round. Eighty-six of them have now received grants.

The six UM laureates and their research projects

Caroline Goukens

Prof. Caroline Goukens, SBE: ‘Move to Improve’ 

Will the use of a stress ball improve our intellectual capacity? Will we eat healthier when being seated on a ball chair than on a regular chair? This research will investigate the influence of implicit movement on our cognitive performance, and on our ability to exert self-control.


Read also the interview with Caroline Goukens and the other two SBE winners: Anneliese Renders and Olivier Marie.

Annelies Renders

Dr. Annelies Renders, SBE: The Economic Effects of Accounting

Information is important in our everyday lives and for that reason information is subjected to rules. In capital markets, information is regulated by accounting standards. Using quasi-experimental settings, this project investigates:

  • the efficiency of accounting regulation
  • evidence of overregulation and
  • the impact of non-regulated information.
Bart Rutten

Prof. Bart Rutten, FHML/MUMC+: Traumatic stress and the resilient epigenome

The expression of our genes is sensitive for environmental exposures, and this is regulated by so-called epigenetic mechanisms. Through a set of unique studies on human exposed to traumatic stress, the project will elucidate the epigenetic mechanisms that regulate resilience and risk to develop mental ill-health after experiencing traumatic stress.

Tamar Sharon

Dr. Tamar Sharon, FASoS: The Googlization of health and the common good

As we move into the digital era, companies like Google and Apple are becoming important actors in health research. But how do we ensure that this serves the public interest? This research studies the impact of the “Googlization of health” on the common good, and investigates ways to secure it.

Judith Sluimer

Dr. Judith Sluimer, FHML/CARIM/MUMC+: Barcoding vascular cells: Identifying new vascular cells to restore disturbed matrix turnover and prevent cardiovascular disease

The underlying cause of a heart infarct or stroke is rupture of atherosclerotic plaque by disturbed matrix production and degradation. The scientist will identify new matrix-producing cells in the vascular wall using single cells expression analysis and study their potential to restore disturbed matrix turnover and ultimately prevent clinical events.

Olivier Marie

Professor Olivier Marie, SBE/ROA: Determinants of a Life In or Out of Crime

This research studies three phases of an individual’s life when crime can be prevented. First, at birth through the effect of parental influence. Second, as a teenager by preventing escalation. Third, by assigning the right prisoner to the right prison. To reduce offending, in which phase is intervention most efficient?

NWO Talent Scheme

Vidi is aimed at experienced researchers who have carried out successful research for a number of years after obtaining their PhDs. Together with Veni and Vici, Vidi is part of the NWO Talent Scheme. Researchers in the NWO Talent Scheme are free to submit their own subject for funding. NWO thus encourages curiosity-driven and innovative research. NWO selects researchers based on the quality of the researcher, the innovative character of the research, the expected scientific impact of the research proposal and the possibilities for knowledge use.

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