Safety at Chemelot

In a report published today, the Dutch Safety Board concludes that current safety and risk management at the complex comply with the applicable regulations and rules. Titled "Chemistry in collaboration; Risk management at the Chemelot industrial complex", the report says that working at the Chemelot Campus qualifies as safe. Nevertheless, it emphasizes that safety measures and risk management can always be further improved and updated.

UM is pleased that safety and risk management are firmly on the agenda of all companies, organisations, institutions and governments directly involved in the Chemelot industrial complex. UM hopes that the recommendations made in the Research Council report will be accepted and implemented where possible. The safety of people living in and around the industrial area deserves continuous attention and care. As a responsible organisation for our staff and students, we monitor this process closely.

Brightlands Chemelot Campus is a rising star at Chemelot, one of the Netherlands' biggest facilities for chemical research and the chemical industry, based in Sittard-Geleen. Currently, 2500 people (entrepreneurs, researchers and students) work at the campus. Maastricht University (UM) is one of the founders of the Brightlands Chemelot Campus, where it provides several courses and research programmes.

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