
  • Valorisation, also known as knowledge utilisation, is becoming ever more important. What many researchers don’t yet realise is that it is also lucrative. And not only in terms of making money.

  • Sustainability certification provides little to no financial benefits for small-scale farmers on Indonesian palm oil plantations.

  • The European Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) together with the Maastricht University invites political and social representatives, students and European citizens to discuss the future of Europe.

  • Ook dit jaar organiseren Thuis & Partners, Institute for Corporate Law, Governance and Innovation Policies van de Universiteit Maastricht en Delfin Executives de Dag van de Limburgse Commissaris. Een van de sprekers zal Maria van der Hoeven zijn, voormalig Minister van Economische Zaken en...

  • Op 15 september jongstleden is de academic director van ICGI, Mieke Olaerts, officieel benoemd tot hoogleraar vergelijkend en nationaal vennootschapsrecht.

  • PhD defence Mengxing Lu Diploma

    PhD defence Mengxing LU

    CHOOSE or LOSE: another road to China’s Sustainable Development - A law and economics analysis of corporate sustainable theories and practices

  • On Monday, 2 October 2017, UM professor Liesbeth Lijnzaad will be sworn in as a judge on the International Tribunal for the Laws of the Sea in Hamburg. Lijnzaad is a extraordinary professor Practice of International Law at Maastricht University. She has worked for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign...

  • Maastricht University teams have a long tradition of scoring very high in the European Law Moot Court Competition (ELMC). Organized annually since 1988, the ELMC is a bilingual moot court (French-English) focused on topical issues of European Law.

  • In August, Maastricht University staff visited the introduction camps organised by student associations to monitor compliance with agreements on initiation rituals. They found that Tragos and Circumflex violated a number of provisions under the Code of Conduct.