
  • From Apple's personal assistant Siri helping you out to Netflix recommending content for you, artificial intelligence and big-data technologies are increasingly affecting our daily lives. Is society prepared for the data revolution we are experiencing? And what will the data-filled world of the...

  • L.W. (Louise) Verboeket LL.M., PhD candidate at the Department of Public Law of the UM Faculty Law, has been awarded the Jongbloed thesis prize on January 12th. Her master thesis “The public prize. A study of the allocation of public funds by way of competition” is the best legal thesis written at...

  • Scientists from Maastricht University (UM) and the University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG) have managed to influence speech comprehension by sending electrical currents through the skull to stimulate the brain area involved in hearing.

  • Elections Maastricht

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  • The EU-wide General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will oblige companies to have a data protection officer, to inform authorities and affected individuals of security breaches, and to invest in data encryption and intrusion prevention and detection systems. This should improve the security of...

  • Public defence by Tim van der Heijden: 'Hybrid Histories: Technologies of Memory and the Cultural Dynamics of Home Movies, 1895–2005' on 18 January 2018. 

  • Match students organise successful party in Mariaberg.

  • Maastricht University commits to the support of top sportspersons.

  • On the 18th of December, Sabrina Roettger-Wirtz successfully defended her PhD thesis ‘The Interplay of Global Standards and EU Pharmaceutical Regulation’ supervised by Prof. Ellen Vos and Dr. Andrea Ott.

  • UM researchers Valentina Carraro (FASoS), Bart Spronck (FHML), Els van der Ven (FHML) and Erik Vrij (MERLN) received a Rubicon grant from research financing institution NWO. This grant gives young, highly promising researchers the opportunity to gain international research experience.