
  • Some people swear by drinking a ginger shot. Good for circulation, stimulates digestion and ideal against nausea. So essential for health? Nutrition scientist Alie de Boer responds to this.

  • The deadline for submission of abstracts for the conference 'Competition and IP in Digital Markets' has been extended until 6 February.

  • When breast cancer has spread to lymph nodes in the armpit, extensive imaging studies are performed and tumour characteristics are determined prior to surgical removal. Research initiated at Maastricht UMC+ aims to clarify the extent to which an accurate assessment can be made of possible responses...

  • How can business respond faster, better, effective, and efficient to the challenges of our times? The winners of the future experiment with new organisational concepts

  • The chair is an important link in interdisciplinary education and research in the field of care for the elderly in a vulnerable position within the Living Lab Ageing and Long-Term Care Limburg.

  • Young Universities for the Future of Europe (YUFE), the UM-led European University, has launched its maiden voyage – in the choppiest of waters. YUFE puts students at the centre and invites them to co-create the institution. Dora Christodoulou and Giulia Giardino are among the UM pioneers in the...

  • Our colleague Catalina Goanta received the very good news that she received a prestigious ERC Starting Grant for her research project on “Human Ads: Towards Fair Advertising in Content Monetization of Social Media.”

  • Het onderzoek dat nodig is om alle technologische uitdagingen die bij de bouw èn de uiteindelijk ingebruikname van de telescoop komen kijken aan te pakken, vindt plaats binnen het onderzoeksproject 'Einstein Telescope Technologies (ETT)'. De Open Universiteit heeft zich als partner verbonden aan...

  • The Centre of Expertise for Inclusive Organisations (CIAO) is an institute of Maastricht University, founded in 2016 in close collaboration with the Dutch Employee Insurance Agency, UWV (Uitvoeringsinstituut WerknemersVerzekeringen). CIAO offers a knowledge platform for parties working...

  • Eliza Steinbock, Associate Professor Gender and Diversity Studies at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, leads the NWO Smart Culture project “The Critical Visitor: Intersectional Approaches for Rethinking and Retooling Accessibility and Inclusivity in Heritage Spaces”.