Rianne Letschert “Top Woman of the Year” 2019

Rector Magnificus Rianne Letschert has been named “Top Woman of the Year 2019” (Topvrouw van het Jaar). This was announced on 26 September during a ceremony attended by 300 representatives from the business community, nonprofit organisations and government. Letschert was nominated alongside Agnes Knoops (PWC) and Daphne de Kluis (ABN AMRO). She is very happy with the recognition.

The annual election of the Top Woman of the Year aims to create a platform for female board members in Dutch companies and organisations. In addition to the importance of the current position and the results achieved, the assessment criteria were also the daring and ambition displayed hitherto and the promotion of diversity in one's own organisation.

Rianne Letschert: “I was happy about the nomination. Winning gives me extra energy and support to continue my work, but I certainly do not labour under the illusion that there aren’t things I could do better. I think it is important to listen carefully to the people around me and I am always open to constructive criticism. I started as the “rector of diversity” three years ago and I am proud of the steps we have already taken as an organisation. I am really looking forward to further diversify UM over the next five years – beginning with more women in leadership positions.”

(Dutch) video about her nomination

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