Online seminar on recent developments in competition law and policy

Recent developments in competition law and policy in China and the EU

In this online seminar on recent developments in competition law and policy, which will take place on 7 and 8 April 2022, speakers from China and the EU will present their ongoing or recently published research. The range of topics that will be discussed is broad and includes discussions on merger control, regulation of digital markets, recent amendments to competition legislation, and economic and empirical perspectives on competition law. Speakers include high-profile academics in the field of competition law in China as well as Chinese PhD researchers collaborating with their ‘western’ supervisors.

Prof. Wu Tao (CUFE) and Prof. Niels Philipsen (METRO/UM)

The seminar results from a long collaboration between research institute METRO (Maastricht University) and the universities CUFE and CUPL based in China, and within the context of the China-EU School of Law. Several distinguished colleagues from other universities will join as speakers or session chairs.

The full program and information on how to register (free of charge) are available here.

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